Monster mash

50 3 9

Janvis POV

It was Halloween night and I was so excited to go trick or treating Bea let the Apollo cabin use Nero in our trick or treat decor so he was sitting on the front porch "scaring" the other kids and getting a lot of pets. I was going to go trick or treating with Bea but she's having a party and I'd rather get candy then go hang out with my older brothers. My costume was Emily from the corpse bride my siblings and some Aphrodite kids helped me with the makeup and thankfully Phee talked Linc out of putting a real worm on my face and they settled for a paper one.

Once I finished getting my costume on I meet up with Nyx and Salem their plan was to get a bunch of candy then go to the party to share it. We started trick or treating at the big house then went to the cabins in order. Earlier in the day we had a cabin decor contest and of corse cabin 7 won because we are the best. Our cabin was decorated as the underworld and Nero was our Cerberus. The second place was the Hermes cabin who made a maze trough their cabin. And 3rd place was the Hephaestus cabin but that's not fair because they have a dragon. But it doesn't matter but we won so we are exempt from stable cleaning duty for the month. This Halloween was even more fun because most of the e head counclers we at Beas party which meant we could get away with a lot more.

If your trying to get the most candy from camp go to the cabins with less kids they are more likely to give you either full sized candy bars are a handful of normal candy. The Demeter cabin is one of the best they give out full sized chocolate but only if you can get past their life sized Audrey 2 plant trying to eat people. That one them first place last year but they didn't change it up so despite it being awesome doesn't beat the rest. As we walked around there was a lot of really good costumes some kids went as zombies and it looked so realistic some other kids went as monsters they've fought and others were going as other kids at camp like EJ and Nicola. Once we got to cabin 7 Lincoln was the one giving out the candy and he slammed the door in my face. I just stood there for a second then he reopened it. He gave candy to Nyx and Salem before turning to me and saying "you know whatever candy I give you will just be coming back here" "I know but it will be in MY bag not the cabins" I said taking a handle full from the bowl. Before continuing I gave Nero some treats and pets.

We went straight to cabin 9 because the hunters weren't here this year and despite their awesome decor they only give like one piece of candy so they suck. We walked over to cabin 11 and i almost didn't want to go in after I saw what I'm guessing was one of the people meant to scare us as we walked tought dressed in an amazing Minotaur costume but we went in anyway. It was like a 10 minutes activity to try and find the candy getting jump-scared  at every turn. At one point a kid in front of us got so scared he dropped all his candy which Travis took. We finally made it to the end of the maze and got our crappy 2 pieces of candy. We started walking over to cabin 10 when a kid ran past screaming "everyone run monsters" we laughed thinking he saw some kid in a realistic costume or something until a skeleton walked past us after him. "Not me" Nyx said "imma go check on Nico" Salem said walking back towards cabin 13.

I just stood there trying to see if it was a prank or something then Will ran up to me "Janvi! Get Nicola or Jasper or anyone we need them in the infirmary" he yelled running past me towards the infirmary. I didn't hesitate I ran as fast as I could towards cabin 12 a few other campers ran past me screaming. I ran up the steps and swung the door open then yelled "Nico! Jasper! Infirmary NOW!" They both immediately stopped what they were doing and booked it out the door. All I could think was I really hope this wasn't a prank because if it was Jasper and Nico would kill me. They ran past me and before I could go with them Bea grabbed my hand and asked "everything ok out there" "I don't know yet" I said then left to go help.

Once I got to the infirmary doors there was already kids with minor injuries sitting out front waiting to be treated. I rushed past them to go help inside and as soon as I opened the door it was chaos so many injured campers and the poor healers running around trying to help as many people as they can without burning themselves out. There was a section for triage where 2 people where deciding if it was an emergent injury or if they could go wait outside. I looked around to see where I could even start to help but I get pushed aside by Travis and Connor who were carrying in a kid who was unconscious and had a sword trough his stomach. I walked behind them as they basically dragged this kid over to Nicola and Jasper who we just finishing treating their last kid. The second Jasper turned around he signed and whispered "another one shit".

They both rushed to help the kid then Nicola turned to me and said "Well come on you're not helping anyone just standing there go heal or something" with that he slammed the curtain shut and I turned around to see where I could help. I wasn't trained in how to heal big injuries so I chose to start helping the less emergent cases to clear out space for more people. After helping a few people I had to go get more supplies from the back and as I was passing the room with the sword victim I heard Nicola say "time of death 23;07" Jasper came out of the room first and looked like he was barley keeping it together. Then Nicola walked out a few seconds later and it looked like he was wiping a tear of his face before he saw me standing there. He looked at me and asked "can you find out who he was or see if you can identify him I'm gonna go tell Travis and Connor" the word was stung it basically dug in the fact.

I walked I got the room and closed the curtain I was just hoping it wasn't someone I knew or worse one of my siblings. I walked up next to his head and could feel the tears in my eyes as a realized who it was. I ran out towards the front doors crying but ran into Charlie she put her hands on my shoulders and said "Janvi look at me are you ok what happened" I couldn't tell her I just hugged her and cried. She let go ask said "Let's find Nicola" and gave my a nod trying to say everything would be fine. We walked to the waiting room and looked around for Nicola but the place was packed it was hard to even walk trough. I told her that Nico was supposed to be talking to the Stolls and Charlie kept pulling me trough the croud till we found them. Once we found them Charlie left to go do whatever she came originally to do and Nicola hugged me asking if I was ok "I know who it is" I said crying.

"It wa-was Felix" I said all three of them looked at me confused "Felix?" Connor asked and Nicola slapped him on the arm. "Who's Felix" Nicola asked "he was an unclaimed kid I hung out with him during free time h-he really liked arts and crafts" I said trying not to cry more after knowing his own counclers didn't know who he was. Travis tried to act like he knew he I was talking about with a non convincing "OH yeah Felix he was a uhh good kid" "you don't know your own campers" Nicola sounded mad at them "there's a lot of em" Travis replied Nico just looked at him he was the councler of one of the biggest cabins and him and jasper knew everyone and their names and stuff about them. Nicola took me to the back room to sit and calm down he gave me a granola bar and some water before leaving to keep helping out.

I stayed just sitting on the chair for a while until Jasper came in I think looking for supplies. He sat next to me and said "Nicola told me you knew that kid Felix? Was his name right" I shook my head yes "I'm sorry trust me it never get easy losing a patient or a friend" he gave me a pat on the back then went back to doing what he was doing. Once everything calmed down a bit all the healers came into the back to try and figure out what happened from either what they experienced or from what they heard from patients. We found out in the end that apparently the Hades cabin was using real skeletons and zombies for their cabin and one kid got scared and took out his real weapon and attacked it which caused panic and soon people couldn't tell who was in costume and what was a real monster. We had to make a report to Mr.D and Chiron and all they said was there's a new rule of "No real weapons as props"

I went back to the cabin it was now around 2 in the morning and before I fell asleep Nicola pulled me over to the side and said "you're off duty for as long as you need but at least 2 weeks no working no chores and you can skip any activity you want no questions asked" then I went to sleep. The next day we didn't get a formal funeral for Felix but Jasper and Nicola set up a little ceremony which made me feel a little better. He even made Travis and Connor come and apologize for not knowing their campers.

A/N sorry for the sad chapter not really tho ❤️❤️

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