Cp. 69 hehe (Music box- Leith ross)

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A/n I'm trying to learn to write with more details and emotions or whatever so that's what this chapter is(I'm also just favoritizinf myself and my chapters)

"..blah..blah Nico why is every chapter about you and Leo" stfu how about that! Leo deserves to be happy for once instead of bullied and forgotten like in the books!

Nicola's POV

I really did feel bad missing the funeral but is it bad to say I felt happier then I had in a while getting to just sit and talk to Lee.

Yes also technically we were supposed to be watching our younger siblings but most found something to do or the younger one had started getting ready for bed as it was already seven pm when the funeral started.

I started by answering a lot of Lee's questions about the past five years of corse I couldn't get through them all but I tried he also as expected asked a lot of questions about Leo "Does he have a job...kinda same way that I'm kinda a doctor. Is he a criminal..isn't 90% of the kids here, can he drive?..well better then you from what I remember, and on and on and on" so yeah he asked a lot of questions but I didn't mind however there was one question that bugged me.

"So he's not upset you missed his birthday"I thought about it for a few seconds before replying

"I mean I'm sure he was but he's not the type to admit that and I don't like using my powers to make him tell me also I'm not sure why people think absolutely no one can lie to me it's a choice I choose who tells me sometimes yes it's unconscious and stuff but for close relationships I'd rather they just tell me then me make them tell me...

Lee cut me off "woah slow your role there kiddo based on what I say I think he's just happy you're alive" he was right I did start rambling a bit "maybe you should talk to him" Lee suggested

"When there's kinda f-u-n-e-r-a-l happening right now if you didn't notice" I spelt it out so if any of the younger ones were listening it would hopefully stop them from understanding, I knew what it was like to go to a funeral at their age and it wasn't a very pleasant experience I mean I barley understood what was happening and why people were crying so I didn't want to put my siblings trough that.

"Yeah I know but let's just try to focus on something else easier to move on that way although I am kind of curious to see who starts to first fight" Lee said "probably Ella or Charlie they don't like us very much sometimes" I replied "Ares?" He asked "one of them the others Poseidon we've had a few..miss understandings you could say"

"Hmm.." was Lee's reaction to that "what do you mean Hmm" I asked a little offended "you haven't changed" that comment made me a little angry but mostly happy? I think I wasn't sure it felt warm like everything was okay there was no war, no big evil to worry about (if you ignore the constant threat of monsters and stuff), and I was in my cabin with my brother and my other siblings I was at home.

And of all things I was talking about it wasn't battle plans, or injury reports or whatever problem needed to be fixed but instead I was talking about my boy problems, it made me wonder was this was it felt like to be a normal teenager.

That was cut short when Lee asked me a weird question "so did y'all keep my ashes or bury me" I laughed at the question who the fuck asks that, I took a few moments then replied "we kept them but Beckendorf used abut to make me this" I pulled out my necklace from my shirt and showed him the metal dog tag. "Eww you just carry that around with you isn't that kind of unsanitary" he replied

"Lots of people get jewelry made from their loved ones after they die and it's not just your ashes it's also melted aluminum probably why it cut in half so easy cheep soft metal" I replied as if the fact that the quality of the tag was an insult to him, I then looked over to Lee who was laughing at me "what!" I asked "you're a nerd" he continued laughing so I took back my necklace.

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