This week on greys anatomy (ft CHB)

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Janvis POV

I woke up with a massive headache and Jasper he looked distressed and like he was about to pass out he also looked like he had three heads but I think that was just me "No time to explain go help people" he said helping me to sit up.

I didn't question him he was already helping someone else by the time I get on my feet and stopped being dissy I looked around and there was like ten people unconscious some with burns others more lucky I ran over to Lincoln who was trying to get Mads to sit up "what happened?" I asked "Thalia almost killed us" he said "I didn't mean too" she sounded infuriated I did not want to get in the middle of that so I just ran over to the nearest person.

In a few minutes we had a trauma triage set up kinda it was kind of bad but we did what we could. First thing was checking for a pulse then no mater heart beating or not we move them out of the water and onto dry land, then if needed restart their heart, lastly treat any emergent things (Ex: not breathing, active bleeding, etc) then once that's taken care of move to the next person.

We worked very fast I looked over Lincoln was already helping bring some of the people we'd already triaged to the infirmary Jasper was making sure Leo was alive and I was walking over to the last patient Sabrin child of Hecate, she was lucky they were one of the farthest people so they got no burns and was barley unconscious. I helped her to her feet and we walked to the tree where we put everyone after they've been checked then I started helping Lincoln bring people to the infirmary.

I was barley conscious myself so I didn't think trying to carry people who weight more then me and have full battle armour on was a good idea so I just helped the ones who were half awake and able or mostly able to walk to the infirmary and start helping out there. I grabbed Sabrins arm and helped them stand "what happened?" She asked "that's the question on the day" is what I wanted to say instead I explained what I knew.

I walked them all the way to the infirmary and helped her to a bed then decided to stay there and help the people Lincoln and Jasper were bringing in. Already in the infirmary was Mads she was treating her own burns and was getting stuff ready for the people coming in. The first people they brought in was Nicola and Charles Beckendorf.

Mads called Nicola as her patients and I took Charlie I think she wanted to give me the easy case. Because Charlie is a child of Hephaestus his burns were way less sever I got glimpse of Nico as he was being brought into the room I'm pretty sure he had burns all over his body from being so close to the lighting.

I helped heal Charlie's burns they weren't bad enough to even need ambrosia or nectar then told him to stay there. The next two people were brought in were Austin and Leo. Thankfully Austin was awake and had no burns he must have healed himself all the said was his head hurt from hitting the ground. "You good to work" I asked him, he nodded then took Leo into a room to treat him.

I waited for the next patient and sprung up when the doors opened it wasn't patient it was Will and Kayla they'd stayed behind at the big house in case of an emergency I guess someone finally told them what had happened and they decided to come help. "We'll take the next people can you go do neuro exams on the awake people if you haven't" Will asked "Yup" I said I was kind of upset did they not think I could handle the big cases I always get put on the easy stuff but I guess that's what older siblings do.

I went to Sabrins room and did a neuro exam to make sure she didn't have a concussion then I went to Kayla and asked if she needed any help "nope every healer is busy right now can you check for incoming patients" so I did I went to the front, Lincoln and Jasper were bringing in the last of the burn victims? Thalia victims? Whatever.

The last two people were Harley and Charlie thankfully they both had minor injuries Harley only had a few burns and Charlie was close enough to the water to heal herself pretty well.

Just as we got finished helping the last of that catastrophe the usual injuries from capture the flag started to come in.

The first ones were Connor who had a scrape on his face it looked pretty minor so Jasper made Lincoln take it then Jalen came in holding her stomach "got it" jasper said a little to excited for a stab wound. Then Adi came in she had a huge gash on her arm so I brought her to a room and started wrapping it to stop the bleeding

"Not gonna ask me what happened?" She asked "nope capture the flag we just assume" I told her I healed her arm as much as I could then gave her an ambrosia brownie. I went to the back room to get a drink of water and to eat a small snack I knew I was gonna be here a while and didn't feel like fainting we'll treating someone.

Afterwards I went back out to the waiting area and there was Phee she had a few small scapes and a swollen ankle I helped her walk to the room when from no where Ella came running past us almost knocking us over "Sorry" she said "Ella why are you running in here" I asked "well wouldn't you want to know"

"I would actually" "Jalens here gotta make sure she's not dead" then she turned back to go find her. I continued helping Phee to a bed. "They put you on the easy cases huh" Phee said "I guess" I knew it was true but I didn't want to say it.

"You know they are just trying to protect you" they said "Maybe I don't want protecting" I argued "they are going to be overprotective you're the youngest Apollo kid for now" I started blankly at them for the "for now" comment "I'm calling your da-" "yeah I got that"

"Well you're all good just try not to walk to much on the leg and it should heal by tomorrow" I told her "thanks Janvi" they said getting up and completely ignoring what I just told them.

I went to find Jasper to ask if there was anything else I could help with. Because Nicola is ... incapable of being head councillor right now Jasper takes over and Mads is co-councler.

"Anything else I can do" I asked "nope we got it covered" he said then went back to working

I was a little mad but just decided to go to the campfire. I met up with Liana and sat with her.

"What's wrong" she asked "Nothing" I said "explain nothing" I looked over at her, she wasn't going to let me not talk about it "fine it's just my siblings keep giving me the easy cases and trying to like protect me"

"I'm sorry your mad because you get the easy work" she said "I'm not mad because it's easy I'm mad because they don't think I can handle big cases"

"Have you ever asked them for one" "well no bu-" "and right now they are all working and you're here" "yes but Jasper told me I coul- oh" "yeah they all also want the big cases so the less people working they are like medical junkies"

"The more likely they are to get them Thanks Lia how do you know all this" "Because I'm smart and a daughter of Athena, and because I've watched greys anatomy and I made all that up"

"Thanks anyway" I said running back to the infirmary. I walk in and went back over to Jasper he was helping Jalen who had a very deep stab wound in her stomach area. "I'm helping what do you need" normally I would have asked do you need help which now I know my siblings will never admit they need including me, so instead I just won't give him a choice in letting me help.

"Go get more cloths to soak up the blood and get Her out of here" I looked over to Ella who was still standing in the entry way. I ran to the back room and grabbed as many cloths as I could carry then put them next to Jasper.

Then I went over to Ella "Ella you need to leave" I said "Why" "because we need to treat her and you standing here is not helping" she looked annoyed but walked away. After we finished healing Jalen, Jasper told me to go update Ella well he went to check on other people.

I walked to the waiting room and asked Ella to come with me "is she ok" "yes she's fine she'll need to stay here overnight to rest but should be able to go back to normal tomorrow if she takes it easy" There is no way she's taking it easy no one ever listens to us when we tell them to rest.

A/N :)

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