Road trip pt2

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Image made by jasper (I love it sm)
Jaspers POV

We only had a couple things left to pack in the van before leaving and Nicola was around the corner filling in Chiron. I was kind of surprised at the lack of jokes about me and Max from everyone so far nothing to bad but a good thing can never last Linc walked over to me and handed me a box before saying "So Jaz is it worth it to travel the country once every three months to see THAT guy? I mean damn I'd need a dam good reason to travel that far" he laughed well nudging me shoulder I think he was trying to make a joke but that wasn't funny Leo didn't even laugh at that one in fact I heard Leo from the backseat say "Lincoln do you just say the most offensive shit you can think of"

I just went back to get the next thing and Nick was on his way over Max reached up to a box that was on a high self and said "here let me get that for you" then handed me the box I passed it to Nicola giving him a glance basically saying don't you dare and as he was picking it in the truck whispered "shortie" Leo and Linc chuckled I gave linc a look to shut up and walked back over to Max cursing under my breath. I was annoyed a this point I mean Nick didn't hear what linc said but I didn't want to start anything expecialy with a week long drive back to camp so I just stayed quiet. I got to hang out with Max for a few hours and the other hung out in the van playing cards. A few times I went over to the van to see who was winning and to check the time or get a snack and every time I went over someone had something to say always along the lines of "you to having fun 😉" or other jokes I just ignored them all.

Eventually we had to get back on the road Nick took the first shift driving which meant he got control of the music which I thought was gonna be fine until he put shuffle on the infirmary playlist and "I won't say I'm in love" form the Hercules movie came on it just really dug the nail of their jokes and felt like he chose that on purpose. I just looked out the window and asked if we could skip this song cause it plays so much in the infirmary all the time but Nico laughed a little well turning up the volume.I just kept looking out the window they were just joking and once they got all the jokes out of their system I'd be fine. Leo chimed in tho by saying "oh come on dude you're always making jokes about me and Nico" I didn't respond "yeah and I don't really care cause I know you guys are joking"Nick was trying to defuse thing he could feel the tension. "I know" I responded and went back to the window. Nicola sighed and said "whatever" his tone was off sounded almost mad at who me I'm the one getting picked on right now I glared over at him and he looked nervous? Embarrassed? That I heard his little "whatever"

I didn't care I know how my siblings are when we fight I'll just be quiet for a little while and they'll get all their jokes out then it's fine or once we get back to camp I'll talk with Nick tell him what happened with Linc and why I was upset. We kept driving the only sound being the radio Nick knew the "protocol" for when someone in our cabin is mad so he just kept quiet humming the songs and Leo and Linc were probably to scared to say anything they'd never seen an argument like this. Eventually tho we needed dinner so we got fast food easy and little talking Nick already knew my order so I didn't have to say anything and we continued. The awkward silence was broken by linc trying to make a joke "uhhh why do I have to sit In this rank ass van and listen to y'all talk about your boy problems "

Nicola looked over at me and smiled a little before parking off to the side of the road and saying "if you're so tired of it then you can walk the rest of the way back to camp" "FINE" Linc said confidently putting some snacks and a blanket in his bag and getting out of the van. Right after the van door was slammed shut everyone left burst out laughing. Nick started the car and drop off "your not actually going to make him walk back are you?" Leo asked "of corse not I'm going to loop back around and pick him up he'll be out the for like 20 minutes at most" Nick replied. The car was still silent but less tension. After a little bit we got back to where we left him and Nick told us to look out for him cause he could have walked off a bit" we drop slowly and looked thinking maybe he actually tried walking but the further down the road we got the more worried we he looked.

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