Graveyard shift

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Jasper's POV

"I call tails" I said before flipping the coin that would decide who gets tomorrow's day shift and who gets the midnight shift or as most people call it the graveyard shift because it's from midnight to six am. I caught the coin and slammed it on the table in front of me I lifted my hand and sighed it landed on heads Mads got to chose what shift she wanted of corse she chose to have the day shift. I wasn't to upset at least the night shift is usually pretty calm. It's was already 11pm and only a few people were left at the campfire so I headed back to my cabin to get changed into scrubs and get ready for my shift.

I checked the clock it was ten minutes to midnight so I headed over to the infirmary. Will, Austin and Kayla were just about to finish their shift so they took the last few minutes to catch me up on the new patients and other stuff. The first few hours were boring just checking on patients, giving meds, changing bandages. The only fun thing was Lincoln explaining his black eye to Sabrin who was in the infirmary because she got hit in the head by an ore during canoeing and we wanted to be sure she didn't have a concussion. Otherwise I just sat around bored but being bored when working in the infirmary was good I guess it meant no one was dying.

It was about 2 in the morning I was dosing off on the spinning chair bored out of my mind when heard a knock on the window next to me it startled me I almost fell out of my chair. I looked over to see Nyx standing there with my guitar in one hand and a bag of candy in the other. I opened the window and let him in " you know you could have just walked in the front door right?" I asked Nyx chuckled "if I did that I wouldn't have gotten to see you almost fall out of your chair". We hung out in the back room I was playing music on my guitar and Nyx eating way to much candy until I heard a knock on the door it was Sabrin. "Sorry to be a party pooper but there's someone in the waiting room I think you may wanna go deal with" she said I reluctantly got up and headed over to see who was there. Normally during the night shift you'll get a few kids who need a bandaid, who snuck out and need to hide to not get in trouble or whatever.

When I turned the corner to the waiting area which was really just a room with chairs where we send the non emergent patients there was standing a kid I'd never meet before she was covered it what I think is blood. The kid looked about 12 maybe 13 she was sitting calmly on one of the chairs and in the calmest and to me due to the circumstances creepiest voice I've ever heard just look at my and asked "Is this the infirmary?". I got the kid to a bed and after checking for bleeding or any huge injuries I told her to stay there. I didn't want to leave her alone so I told Nyx who was still in the supply closet to stay with him well I go get Chiron and another head councler because I don't know how to file a report for this.

I ran back to the cabin thinking of who I could get this late at night definitely not Will, Austin or Kayla they just finished a day shift I didn't want to wake them up. I couldn't wake up Audrey because his hand was injured and already has to run the whole cabin with Bella not being here right now. So who's left that would actually be able to help me Madysen. I got up to the porch and as quickly and quietly as possible opened the door and walked over to mads bunk. There was a couple other kids awake playing cards, drawing, whatever so was mads she was drawing something on the wall she looked up at me and waved I motioned for her to come talk to me so I could tell her about the kid in the infirmary. We decided it would be better to figure out who this kid was and what happened before going to get Chiron.

Once we got back to the infirmary mads had to stop herself from gasping when she say the kid I sent her to get some cloths and new clothes. Sabrin was asleep by now and once I got back Nyx went back to their cabin. We showed to kid to the showers so she could clean off and gave her some new clothes. Once she was done and back in the infirmary I got Mads to check on all the other patients well I dealt with her. I sat on the chair next to her and asked "I just have a few questions is that ok" she nodded yes she didn't seem scared to be in a random camp probably lost and previously covered in blood I continued with my questions "Let's start simple what's your name and why were you covered in blood".

"My names Janvi and it wasn't my blood" she seemed a little annoyed in her answer it was hard not to laugh as I said "it not being YOUR blood seems like a bigger issue then if it was yours mind telling me what happened".

A/N I know some of y'all are gonna be mad but im doing Janvis chapter next so yeah.

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