Crazzy Shoes

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Janvis POV

I felt so bad for telling Jasper but I was just scared Chiron and everyone else told me that if we are going to Tartarus to not have any secrets so I told Jasper about the dream Audrey had and now they are fighting. The yelling stopped and Audrey walked over to me

"Janvi what's wrong" He asked "I'm sorry I promised I wouldn't tell anyone and I did" I said sobbing "it's fine I'm not mad he was going to find out one way or another" Audrey said which made me feel a little better. "You okay to keep going" He asked me I nodded whipping the tears off my face.

We started walking down the path Nero took off running happily towards Cerberus.

We stopped a little bit away from the first building to try and plan what to do next "I mean we can't really get judged or they will know were aren't dead" Leilani said so we had to think of another way

We started walking around to see if there was another path or something else that could help us when suddenly Katie clutched her chest and fell to the ground. I tried to catch her but failed "Katie what's wrong" I asked shaking her shoulder but she didn't respond. I tried to use my healing powers but it didn't do anything "why isn't it working!" I yelled.

Audrey put his hand on my shoulder "the sun gives us powers sometimes I'm sorry Janvi it looks like your healing is powered by the sun" he explained "so I can't help her" I asked "we can still help her by figuring out what's wrong" he answered.

We just left Katie for a few minutes I took off my sweater and put it under her head so she wouldn't hit her head on the ground. We waited for her to open her eyes when she finally did I asked what was wrong. "I don't know just my chest feels tight and everything hurts" Katie replied

I couldn't heal but I could do one thing I put my hand on her shoulder and tried to feel what was wrong I'd seen will do it a few times but I'd never tried myself. Suddenly I felt a small but sharp stabbing pain in my heart I knew what was wrong.

"Katie something is in your heart" I said "What!" She yelled which only made her pain worse. "When did this start Katie" I asked "it's started the day Bella died but I didn't think it was much and everyone was so busy" she said

"We're you in the infirmary that day at all or in the woods" Audrey asked "yeah I was in the forest on guard duty" she answered. "Katie I think I know what's happening" I said she looked up at me confused.

"A piece of an arrow is in your heart" I said then I heard a gasp it was Audrey "Katie usually comes in with minor things and we always heal them quickly but we haven't been able to do that so that probably why this is happening" he explained

"What! What's happening to me" Katie said she sounded scared and had tears in her eyes I was about to explain when A huge shadow came over me I looked up and was relived it was Nero.

I looked up at Leilani and Audrey who looked horrified "what's wrong" I asked they gestures to behind me I looked back and there's was a figure standing a few feet away.

The figure slowly approached us and the closer he got the more he took shape he went from looking like a misty pile of shadows to a 10ft tall man he was imposing and very muscular with albino white skin (probably due to the lack of sunshine),he had intense black eyes, and had shoulder-length black hair, with bangs covering most of his forehead.

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