Flowers wtf...actually jusy wtf in general

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March 7th 7 am ish (2013 ish???)

Trough-out the night I kept waking up, either from some of the younger campers running over to ask me for something or from Leo dropping something on the ground which would make me jolt awake. I probably got a good three hours of sleep before the sun rose and I was stuck being awake, that's the problem with being trained to wake up when the sun rises, when it's up you can't sleep no matter how tired you are.

Upon waking up I could hear Thalia yelling orders at people well Nyssa tried to do the same and keep some kind of control which was fair considering we were hiding in her dads place so I get why she was upset, also the majority of the people here were kids under 12 so I also would be nervous and yelling to keep them away from the dangerous machines and tools.

I chose to ignore the chaos and turn my head to Leo who was so focused on what he was making he still hadn't noticed I was awake, I waited for him to take a break before tapping his shoulder which got his also got him to jump and fall off his chair.

"What did you make?" I asked after checking he didn't break anything, not that I'm any good at knowing if someone broke something but he didn't have a bone sticking out and wasn't bleeding so he seemed fine enough.

"Well I was trying to make something to pass messages to the different places at camp...but there's no radio signals or any signals at all, except for a few like you're radio but it's not on so it won't connect and..." he went on for a few minutes and I actually found it quite nice to hear someone talk about something other then the expending doom of our situation so I just let him go on about the device for a good ten minutes until Thalia walked over

"You guys ready?" She asked in a stern voice, I wasn't used to hearing Thalia talk like that unless she was really mad, it made me uneasy and made me feel like I did something wrong.


Neither of us replied from either fear or just not knowing what we were supposed to be ready for or realistically both.

"We're heading out gonna try and get more people and maybe some answers" Thalia "explained" but it didn't really explain anything

"Do we have an actual one told me anything" I asked

"I told Leo last night, he nodded along I thought he would've told you" she replied, we both glanced over to Leo who was not listening in the slightest and instead was drumming on the best with his fingers.

"Sorry what" he asked looking back between me and Thalia

"He was trying to make something last night I don't think you actually had his attention, can you just tell me the plan" I asked trying not to sound like a bitch but I was exhausted and the last thing I needed was to try and force myself to sound enthusiastic when everyone around me is dying.

Thalia explained to us the plan even though she seemed annoyed to do so. Basically there was three groups,

Group 1 would go try and find healers and anyone else they could bring back here safely, this group consisted of two hunters I'd never met, Lucy, and Harley. I tried to argue that sending Lucy was a bad idea, she wasn't a fighter she barley knew how to hold a sword and especially after being out of commission for 5 years she's not going to be much help in rescuing people, but Thalia argued they needed a healer with them to at least get people back and I could tell she wasn't going to argue with me so I let it go.

Group two would make their way to the big house and try to find Chiron or Mr.D and see if they knew anything about what's going on because if they knew anything now would be a really great time to tell us, however if they didn't know anything that would tell us that it's something unrelated to our parents which would be a great relief, I mean I don't believe our parents are behind this either way they wouldn't let monsters into camp to kill all their kids. Even if they aren't the best they still don't want us all dead...right? Either way group two consisted of Me (which Thalia claimed was so that I could use my powers to make Chiron and mr.d tell me the truth but I didn't have the guts or the time to tell her that my powers don't work on immortals...those ones barley even work on mortals), Leo, Thalia

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