No suprises-radiohead

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A/n important question we've established that Leo is a Swiftie do you think piper would use her charm speak to sneak me and Leo into the concert

Maddys POV

We all stopped once we realized we were lost well actually more like my shoes stoped and I feel to the ground.

We kept searching for anything mostly looking for Lincoln when Leilani spotted something in the distance. They started walking towards it when Jasper told her not to go alone so we all went with. We were walking cautiously when suddenly Leilani just stopped.

A few of us tried calling their name but nothing none of us wanted to get near him in case something was like contagious or something that quickly changed when they started crying and fell to the ground Jasper and Audrey ran over and when Audrey grabbed Leilanis shoulder they jumped as if she didn't know he was there.

Once he realized it was us they calmed down "Woah Leilani what happened" Audrey asked "i.. I don't know you all disappeared" Leilani answered she scanned all their faces looking for an answer it we were just as confused as them "we didn't disappear you just started walking away then stopped and fell to the ground" Audrey added Leilani paused probably trying to understand what was happening then the light they'd mentioned appeared in the distance.

I turned to Janvi "you see that too right" I asked wanting to me sure I wasn't going crazy Janvi nodded. I looked back over to Leilani who looked terrified "Leilani take a breath it's okay" Audrey said.

"How about we go check it out and they stay here" I suggested and most agreed. Me and Janvi then walked together towards the light well Jasper and Audrey stayed with Leilani.

Everything was fine until it wasn't one second I was chatting with a Janvi and the next everything disappeared I felt frozen then the memories started and I don't really wanna talk about that, let's just say zero out of ten would not recommend.

After what felt like an entirety of suffering it all just stopped everything around me came back and I saw the others were here too.

I looked around and saw Bea standing a little while away from me and Leilani standing next to them all they said was "Sorry". I looked back to where I think we came from and saw Lincoln sitting on the ground he looked bored. After what was an awkward minute of silence I suggested we headed back seeing as we found Lincoln.

After a few too many wrong turns we finally made it back to Hades and Katie neither looked impressed "took you long enough" Katie muttered even well dying and being in unimaginable pain she still manages to insult us.

Hades told us to say goodbye to Katie as he "figured something out" I wasn't sure what that meant but I didn't ask.

Normally when someone dies you don't really get to say goodbye like this so it was kinda awkward like what do you say good luck?have fun? A few people (Lincoln) could not hold it together or were very good at acting. Yes others were crying including myself it's sad one of our friends is dying but she's going to Elysium like literally heaven.

Hades seemed very frustrated with something but no one dared to ask "how does that even make sense to full" he shouted.

He then pointed to me, Katie and Janvi "you three come with me" he commanded. We walked trough the entrance to Elysium and I immediately felt way better then just a few moments ago.

Elysium was like a valley surrounded by walls, a gated community almost like an American suburbs but like actually good. You could hear laughter and smell barbecue cooking. It had neighbourhoods of beautiful houses from every time period in history such as Roman villas, medieval castles, and Victorian mansions. It also has flowers of silver and gold blooming on the lawns, and grass rippling in rainbow colors. It was beautiful I mean I don't know what I was expecting but this was definitely better.

We stopped walking and Hades turned to us as if trying to read our minds. "That will have to do I guess" he said then turned to someone who was walking nearby he told them something that I didn't quite catch then told Janvi and I to go back to the gates and wait there.

He took Katie and that was it Katie was now officially dead.

Thankfully as we walked into Elysium Katie's pain seemed to have stopped completely and she wasn't in pain anymore but it was still sad to see her leave.

We walked back to the gate and waited "you okay" I asked Janvi "not sure a lot just happened" she replied I just nodded. A few minutes later a familiar presence came back.

"After you've.. reunited you all must leave and go back to the overworks immediately" he said then waited or a reply "yes sir" I answered then we walked out leaving us.

Reunited what does he mean by that I asked myself earlier he said something was to full maybe someone was getting kicked out of Elysium that would be fun to watch.

I saw two figures walking towards the closer they got I saw a duo I thought it was like a dad and his son but as they got closer I recognized one of the people.

As they got closer I heard the two arguing "well I was happy here" the short one argued "well I wasn't ready to die, so you know how many people get this chance TAKE IT" the taller one replied.

I almost didn't recognize him at first I mean it had been five years since the last time I saw him and let's say there was some other things going on back then.

"Michael!?" I shouted. The boys eyes light up then they faded and he looked a little more confused then anything "Maddy?" He asked I nodded giving him a hug.

I had only known him for a couple weeks but when he wasn't almost getting us killed either by clarrise or by a literally war he was actually a pretty good brother.

We walked out of Elysium and thankfully everyone was still there standing off to the side.

A/n :)

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