Haunted - taylor swift

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Lincoln's POV

First thing I did when I got back to camp was walk Bea to the big house then I went to the infirmary to sneak some ambrosia because I felt dead probably because I kinda was in the underworld.

The ambrosia kicked in pretty fast but it also made my really drowsy and so I went to sleep. The next morning Will woke me up "I gotta cover the infirmary you and Austin are in charge" he said yawning. "Why me where's everyone else Jasper? Audrey? Maddy?" I asked

"Sick, on a quest or doing something else please Dude just take them to arts and crafts or something" Will said then walked towards the door "uhh fine" I said getting out of bed.

I helped Austin get all the other campers up and ready and we only had two fights happen today...so far.

We got out the door and went to the first thing on the schedule Rock climbing with the Demeter and my heart sank when I read... the Aphrodite cabin, I pushed that feeling down and just headed over maybe we could just not talk about it.

Once we got there Austin started helping the younger kids get their harnesses on and I was avoiding people and sitting off to the side, of corse Phee walked over.

They came over and sat down next to me "so how did the quest go?" She asked "fine...it went fine. Why" I replied "just wanted to know" they said in an offended tone.

"Sorry just not my favourite subject right now" I said "so why aren't you helping your cabin?" I asked "I would but Selina has been freaking out lately and I didn't want to deal with that" they replied.

I think I already knew why but I asked anyway "Any reason"

"Katie left a while ago which she does sometimes but she usually comes back after a month or two she's never gone this long and I think Selina is just scared" Phee explained but I already knew that deep down I felt really bad...should I tell them now I thought but no I couldn't.

"You good?" They asked "yeah just...nothing" I replied "okay whatever" she said getting up and walking back over to her cabin.

Soon it was my turn to go up the climbing wall and I was racing against Selina and Zaffie from the Demeter cabin.

About halfway up the wall where it really starts to get dangerous(if you don't count the lava and everything at the first half dangerous) Selina decided to spark up a conversation.

"So Michael is back?" She asked in a surprisingly calm tone "yeah..weird" I said "you seem nervous are you okay" she asked "I'm on a death wall with lava after just getting back from literal hell" I replied "oh yeah well just means I'll win I guess" she said continuing up the wall.

She was right she did win and when we all got back down to the ground she reached out her hand "good match" she joked I couldn't shake her hand and pretend like everything was fine it wasn't fine.

"Oh cmon don't be a bad sport just because you lost" she said reassuringly then rested her hand on my shoulder. I just stood there guilt filling up and so were my eyes with tears.

"Lincoln are you okay" I looked down a Trevor the youngest in the Apollo cabin was pulling at my leg I didn't know what to say or what to do. "Why don't we talk about this in the big house" Selina suggested guiding me there.

Zaffie also helped me walk over and then they sat on the porch outside. Selina and I walked into chirons office well ignoring the family feud going on in the rec room next to us.

As soon she opened the door Chiron called us in "Is there a reason for this visit" he asked "I don't think Lincoln can continue being a councillor for his cabin today" Selina explained, I just sat in one of the chairs in the office trying to hold it together.

"What happened" Chiron asked I looked up at him then my eyes met Selinas and then I couldn't hold it back anymore "Katie...sh-she I'm so sorry.. I can't" I started trying to say but I couldn't find the words

"Katie you know where Katie is?!" Selina asked her eyes light up with hope which only made things worse when I saw that hope fade.

"No..NO Lincoln please don't.." she covered her mouth and started crying

"Lincoln are you implying Katie has passed" Chiron asked and I just nodded "She's in...Elysium" I managed to say then put my head in my hands I couldn't face Selina now I heard her tell Chiron she couldn't do this again and then she left.

I'm not sure how long I sat in that chair crying until Chiron came over "we will hold a funeral tomorrow evening for now rest don't worry about telling the others" he said then helped me up out of the chair.

I walked back to my cabin and on my way passed Wylan "hey Lin..you okay" they asked "no" I replied

"What's going on" "Katie's dead" I said it hurt even more this time to say.

"Oh umm have you told" they started to ask "yeah told Selina already I'm just gonna go back to my cabin" I said

"Oh okay I mean if you wanted to say something to her I could try and summon her" Wylan suggested "really?" I asked "yeah I'll meet you in your cabin in a few just let me grab some stuff" they said running back to cabin 13.

I just continued back to my cabin and sat on my bed. A few minutes later the door swung open and wylan walked in holding a box.

They walked over to the open era in the middle of the cabin and put the box down "what's that for" I asked "you want to talk to Katie?" They asked I nodded.

They set up..something I'm not quite sure what to call it but then Wylan quizzed me on Katie's death which wasn't very fun "wait she went into Elysium and that's when Lee and Michael came out?" They asked "yeah is that normal" I asked "No but whatever" they replied then started their summoning?

I just let them do whatever it was they were doing well I sat there I thought what would I even say to Katie, first thing would probably be we were gone for four months then I'd probably apologize for the arrow and about a few hundred other things.

Suddenly the door to the cabin opened I looked over and Maddy was standing in the doorway "Lincoln What the fuck" she yelled

"Dammit you broke my concentration" Wylan complained

"What are you two doing?" Maddy asked "trying to summon Katie" I said "of corse you are why am I surprised by this" she continued obviously talking to herself as she grabbed something from her bed and walked back out the door still talking to herself.

I turned to Wylan "Try again" I said and we both nodded.

After a few more ties we gave up "Sorry Linc either Katie's doesn't want to be reached or somethings blocking it" they explained "thanks for trying" I said helping put everything back into the box then they left.

I just stayed in the cabin for the rest of the day until the campfire. As I walked to find I seat I passed Selina who was sitting with Michael and Charlie they were laughing looking at some old drawings until she noticed I was standing there and her smile faded I just kept walking.

I spotted Heja sitting near the fire and went to join then "aren't you supposed to be on a quest" I asked "done it was easy" they replied "so how did it go" I asked

"It was fine get the necklace found a new camper but near the end Audrey passed out don't worry Lee took him to the infirmary" they explained I head someone get up really fast so I turned and saw a figure sprinting towards the infirmary.

"Leo?" Heja asked "probably" I said

That night we stayed at the campfire singing and avoiding the topic of Katie but it felt nice to sit with friends and laugh.

It felt nice to be home.

A/n I did cry well writing this also see I made up a way Zaffie was at both spots at once

New camper wonder who 🤔

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