Lotas Casino

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Jaspers POV

"Uhh so do we just keep going to LA?" That was Lincoln's reaction after Audrey, Leilani and Janvi ran into the Lotas Casino. Maddy hit him on the arm "not the time" she said then looked at me "but yeah what do we do now"

"We wait for them to come out" I said "that doesn't sound very safe" Maddy replied she was right us sitting right outside the Lotas casino it was just asking for monsters. I looked around and thankfully there was a motel across the street "we'll stay there take shifts to watch the door to check if they leave" I said.

We walked into the lobby and as we walked to the front desk I say someone I knew "why is she here" Lincoln asked "I don't know" I replied. I taped her on the shoulder.

"Katie why are you here" I asked and she turned around "I'm on vacation why are you here" she asked "Quest to get Bea" I whispered in case any monsters where near by "oh yeah Phee told me you guys where taking a trip to Tartarus how's that going" Katie asked very loudly she seemed to do it on purpose.

"We'll talk later" I said she was first so she went up to book her room then it was us the guy just handed us a spare key and said "enjoy your stay"

"I assumed you didn't bring money for a hotel" Katie said "yeah no we didn't" Lincoln replied. We checked into our room and once we got into the room I took the first watch.

I sat at the window staring at the entrance across the street at one point I almost screamed when a familiar figure pressed it's face from the inside of the class it was the receptionist she looked me dead in the eyes and I ducked below the windowsill.

"Woah what the fuck" Katie yelled when I ducked down "monster sorry" I said "now will you tell me why you guys are here like at this hotel" she asked

"Janvi and Leilani ran into the Lotas Casino and Audrey ran after them" I explained "oh well that sucks" she replied "so what's our plan if they don't come out of there tonight" Maddy asked

"Then I'll go in tomorrow and get them" I said An hour or two later I woke up Maddy for her shift and went to sleep. I woke up a while later and went back to the window "any updates" I asked Lincoln "well there's definitely something going on" he replied I looked out at the doors and could see trough the foggy class a lot of movement.

A few minutes later the doors swung open and Leilani came running I ran into the hall and down the stairs to try and go get her. I ran out the front lobby and across the street into the Lotas Casino parking lot.

Once I caught up to him he snapped out of the panic "why do you have pen all over your arms" I asked "to remember to get out" they replied "did it work" I asked "kinda" she replied.

"Where are Janvi and Audrey" I asked "they should be out soon I think" they said "what does that mean"I asked

"Uhhh I don't know how to explain it but he did say for you not to go in" They replied "well duh I'm not going in but what happened in there are you okay" I said

"Yeah I'm fine" he replied. We went back to the hotel room across the street and let Leilani tell us what happened. Leilani went and washed the pen off their arms then we discussed what to do.

"Well we can't go in there" Maddy said "yeah I know but we can't stay here this is like monster central and we have to get going soon" I added

"We can't leave them behind" Lincoln said "No one was saying that I'm just saying we can't stay here forever we need to actually do the quest" I said "so what do we do" Maddy asked "I don't know" I answered.

We kinda sat in silence for a few minutes no one knew what to do. Then we heard a loud noise from outside I looked out the window and couldn't see anything. A few seconds later a giant hellhound popped around the corner and I almost screamed.

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