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Janvis POV

Today is Nicola's birthday and we wanted to set up a surprise party for him. I got up at around five forty and remembered it was my job to distract him so he wouldn't come back to the cabin and ruin the surprise. He was working the night shift with Jasper unit 8 so I had some time but I wanted to come up with something that would keep his busy. I wasn't really sure what to do so I went to who I always go to when I need a plan.

"LIANA!!!" I yelled banging on her cabin door. Adi opened the door rubbing her eyes "what do you want" she asked "is Liana here?" "Yeah one second" she said before closing the door in my face. A few minutes later the door opened and Liana came out. "What time is it?" She asked "doesn't matter I need your help" I responded pulling her arm to come with me. "We're are we going" she asked "Infirmary" she pulled back making me stop I turned and gave her a puzzled look "I can only help you if you tell me what you need help with" she was right "ok fine I need a plan to distract Nico and make sure he doesn't came back to the cabin all day" I told her "that should be easy just fake being hurt or something" she suggested "can't lie around him" I responded stupid truth powers "oh yeah well then that's a problem". We sat down on the Athena cabin porch trying to think of something for 20 minutes.

We came up with an idea basically I would go tell Nicola that I wanted to help him in the infirmary so that I could make sure he doesn't leave well Liana went and figured out a real plan. So I did that I ran towards the infirmary and accidentally slammed the door opened. I was scared because and probably looked it too because I didn't mean for the door to swing open like that. I looked up and heard Jasper say "your problem now I'm clocked out" he ran past me as quickly as possible and I looked over to Nico who was reaching for a cup presumably to throw at Jasper but he gave up and put the cup back. "Janvi you ok" Nicola asked "Yeah fine just came to help out" I said he seemed to believe me I mean technically I wasn't lying. It was pretty quiet and I was either sent to do that stuff he didn't want to do or we sat at the table playing cards.

"So is there anyone at camp who your truth powers don't work on" I asked "yeah why" he didn't seem impressed with my question "who are they" I knew he probably wasn't going to tell me "uhhh well Mr.D and Chiron but that's cause they aren't humans" he said trying to think "and Bea can but they don't like to also any charmspeakers and there's a few others but I don't really remember" he said I think he avoided names on purpose but he'd told me enough to help me. Near the end of the shift the doors flew open and we both went to see who it was was. It was Liana "can people stop slamming doors they are barley standing already" Nico said annoyed "sorry" we both muttered. "Did you need something" I asked her "uhh yeah can I talk to you outside for a few minutes" she said trying to not sounds suspicious.

I went just outside the doors with her and told her "ok so there are people that can lie to Nicola we can use that" "oh I was coming to tell you I found a way to keep his busy" she said "let's try your plan you're smarter with those anyway" I told her. "Actually now that we know some people can lie to him that could help my plan, ok so basically I asked arround and some of the head counclers said they could use extra help with activities and I kinda told them that Nico would do it" Liana explained "sounds great we're does the lying come in" I asked "well if he tries to go back to the cabin during breaks we can have someone lie or something also go easy on me I'm tired my plans may not be at 100%" she said. We both went back in and Nicola was just about to leave "you guys need anything I'm gonna go back to the cabin for a nap" he said well cleaning up the cards.

"Yes actually Annabeth Selina and Phee need you at the rock climbing wall now" Liana said Nico sighed then walked out the door we followed behind him. We ran ahead to tell Selina and Phee we explained that we wanted to distract his for the day and to just make him help out and under no circumstances let him go back to the cabin. Liana turned to me and asked "who's watching the Apollo kids if he's here" "it's fine most of them are either working or setting up the party" I reassured her. We stayed off to the side and heard Phee and Nicola arguing "I know you know how to put on a harness" Nico said "yeah but I didn't want to set it up so I made you" Phee joked. I turned to Liana and asked "so what's next in the plan" "oh I don't know I only had like 10 minutes" she said well shit that plan didn't last long. "I have a plan" I said getting up I walked over to Phee who was sitting off to the side because she'd finished rock climbing "hey Phee wanna help me with something"

"Maybe" they said suspicious of what I wanted "ok so you know it's Nicola's birthday well I know you can lie to him and we need you to fake an injury or sickness or something to keep him busy" I smiled hoping that would make her agree. "What's in it for me" they asked "Free day off work" I said she laughed "yeah no do better" "fine I'll do your laundry for a week" I offered "deal" she said getting up. I wasn't sure what they were going to do but I trusted them. Selina and Phee went to bring their campers to the next activity and once they got there Phee went over to Nico "I don't feel good" Phee said "what's wrong" he asked "I feel dizzy and nauseous and really tired all of a sudden" Phee explained.

Nicola went trough the normal questions did you eat/drink water, did you sleep, ect and phee said she ate well slept well and was drinking water. "How long have you been outside the past few days" he asked "a lot as usual" Phee responded "staying in the shade with the weather barrier it's like summer here all yeah" he said then paused "heatstroke come on let's go".

"Janvi go get a wheelchair or something and some water" he told me so I did me and Liana walked over to the infirmary we would have run if it was real but we knew Phee was faking. Once we got them both to the infirmary and phee in a bed I waited outside the curtain to see if he was going to stay or not. I was listening to make sure Phee didn't spoil the surprise and felt bad when I heard Nicola say "what a happy birthday to me working" "at least you get to hang with me" Phee said. I walked past the curtain ask asked him what he was going to do for the rest of  the day. "Probably just stay here till after dinner and see if I can nap cause I know I won't be left alone at the cabin" he said I just walked out. "well our plan worked" I told Liana "maybe a little to well" she joked.

Liana went back and joined her cabin and I went back to mine. I walked in and Mads asked me "aren't you supposed to be like guarding Nick" "he's asleep in the infirmary so not much to do" I told her. "Is he ok his shift ended at 8" Jasper asked concerned "yeah he said he wouldn't have gotten sleep in the cabin so he's just gonna stay there till after dinner" I told him "convenient" he said then went back to putting up streamers. I help out setting up the decorations and food and other stuff then we all went to dinner. We were sitting at the table waiting for Nicola to show up but he never did so after dinner everyone else went back to get ready for the surprise and I went to go get him.

I walked into the infirmary and over to Phees room but she wasn't there so I kinda panicked of corse the one time I don't have my eyes on him he disappears. I walked around the infirmary trying to find him in the supply closet the back room then I went to ask Leo if he'd seen him and of corse Nico was asleep on the chair next to Leo's bed "Get up old man nap times over" I said nudging his shoulder. Once I finally got him up I told him Jasper wanted to talked to him in the cabin and we headed over. Once we walked in everyone yelled "SURPRISE" and he almost punched Jasper in the face maybe surprise party's aren't the best idea for people who constantly fight monsters. But the party was fun we hung out played some games and then it turned into karaoke later at night once all the younger kids went back to their cabins.

A/N yes I made it about me because it's my birthday 🥳 comment as a birthday present to me

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