Janvi (millie is scary)

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Janvis POV

"I don't want you going alone" Chiron said "I'm not alone I'm bringing Nyx and Lincoln" I said "I'd feel better about this if you brought along another camper one with maybe a little more experience" Chiron was right I looked around the room all the head councillors sitting around waiting for me to decide who to bring. "You should bring me" Bea said standing up "if you're going somewhere where people lose their sense of time and sanity might as well bring a child of the god of chaos. Also I just really want to go" she whispered that last part.

I looked around the room again for anyone else to volunteer usually I'd turn to my siblings but Bella went back to school because her winter break was done and Jasper and Nicola were the ones we were trying to go save. The stand in head councillors were Mads and Will and they were mostly just there because we needed a councillor representing the Apollo cabin. "I do not feel comfortable letting you go on a quest so soon after such a severe injury" Chiron told Bea and they sat down disappointingly.

"Phoenix how about you would you volunteer to go save your friends" Chiron asked trying to make the decision for us. They looked up nervously "Me?" Chiron nodded "I mean sure" she said "perfect we you all shall leave tomorrow morning, go prepare for your departure" Chiron said then ended the meeting. On the way out I saw Bea give a jealous look towards Phee.

I went to my cabin and started to pack a bag I wasn't sure what I was going to need I mean what do you bring on a rescue mission to a magic time bending hotel. "Whyyyy do I have to come with it's not like it's my fault" Lincoln complained "I didn't chose you Chiron did and it's probably because Mads and Will don't want to deal with you" I told him which he just went quiet and continued packing. That night I could hardly sleep maybe it was the excitement to get to go on a mission on the anxiety of going on a mission or a lot of both, technically it wasn't a quest so we didn't get to go see the oracle but Rachel did tell us to look out for prophecy dreams apparently some campers get those especially Apollo kids.

The next morning I we got up early just before sunrise to and after waking up Lincoln we went to the big house to say goodbye and to meet up with Nyx and Phee. "I'm sorry to say that because Nicola and Jasper took the van on the original quest you all will have to find your own mode of transportation" Chiron told us great way to start the mission I thought. Chiron gave us a mini speech(lecture) before letting us go. We were standing at the edge of the road just past he forest where camp is "Can't I just shadow travel us there or at least o Las Vegas" Nyx said "you can barely travel just yourself without draining your energy you think 4 people will go well" I said "especially halfway across the dam country" Phee added. "I could try" Nyx said "yeah let's not" I said half joking.

"So what we just walk there" they asked "what about the labyrinth" I asked id never been in it but apparently it could bring you anywhere in the world if you knew how to navigate it "actually maybe it could work" Nyx said I looked at them confused but intrigued "bad idea" Lincoln said "why bad idea it's the best change we got unless you have another idea" I said "just trust me it's a bad idea" he said again "we need a mortal" Phee said "that's the only way we can navigate it properly and I really don't feel like asking Rachel" she finished. "Well we can't especially just pick one off the street" I joked. "I know someone" Phee said in defeat it sounded.

A few hours later we were at a random appointment in Manhattan we used like half our money on buss tickets to get us there so I was hoping Phee knew what she was doing. They knocked on the door then a few seconds later the door opened half way "what do you want" the person asked "oh god not again Phee what now" the girl opened the door she was about 5'3 had black hair and was wearing sweatpants and a tank top she stood in the doorway with her hand to her forehead almost trying not to get angry "kinda looks like if Nicola was a girl" Lincoln whispered to me which made me chuckle he was right "what the fuck did he get himself into now" the girl asked "well explain later can you help us you can see through the mist"Phee asked "yeah yeah give me like 5 minutes to get my shit together" the girl said slamming the door in our faces.

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