The prophecy of the (cabin) 7 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Maddys POV

I was sitting by the campfire just enjoying my night there was only around 15 people at this point mostly being my siblings. I saw Janvi get up to get another marshmallow then she called over Rachel who I assumed was walking by.

Suddenly green fog started to cover the ground I was confused and a little freaked out it seemed everyone else was too then once Rachel got closer enough for everyone to hear she stopped and spoke

"Children of Apollo let this next prophecy be a warning"

I looked around again hoping this was a very elaborate prank or something but everyone looked either confused or scared. Someone was about to speak up when Rachel talked again she seemed to be talking to Leilani specifically

"The dark sun has risen again"

Then she turned to Janvi

"The youngest shall tie you together"

Next she turned to me it felt like she was staring into my soul her eyes were creepy when glowing

"You will restore what's been lost a long time ago"

I didn't know what that meant I mean I didn't understand most of what she said anyway but especially that part but then she kept going she turned too Jasper

"You will discover the truth hidden to protect"

Then she turned to Nicola

"You will succeed at the cost of control"

This felt like we were each receiving our own prophecy's items was weird but I kept trying to listen as she turned to Lincoln

"You will be challenged by a friend"

Then instead of a specific person she slope to everyone

"The dead may rise again"

Then the green fog disappeared and Rachel walked back away towards her cave

I repeated it in my head to try and remember it;

The dark sun has risen again
The youngest shall tie you together
You will restore what's been lost a long time ago
You will discover the truth hidden to protect
You will succeed at the cost of control
You will be challenged by a friend
The dead may rise again

There was a few things that made some sense but I wanted to ask the other before confirming. I was hoping I could at least get a few minutes before absolutely chaos struck but of corse not I looked around the other people were already starting to whisper.

I looked around at my siblings a few we're still just standing in shock Janvi had already walked over to Lia probably to try and figure out what that even meant and of corse Nicola was crying our head councillor who is supposed to help us during these types of things is on the ground crying.

Then Chiron came out a few minutes later "All of cabin 7 please report to the big house immediately!" He shouted about 10 minutes later we were all in Chirons office and he just stood there "I'm waiting" he said "what do you want for us we didn't know that was gonna happen" Lincoln said

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