For once its actually not lincs fault

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Jaspers POV

I was about to head out for lunch when the infirmary doors flew open and the Dionysus twins came running in "where is she" Castor asked "last bed on the right" I barely finished my sentence before they ran off to see Bea. I felt kind of bad for Nicola who had to explain to them what had happened but not that bad or I would have told them myself. As I walked down the steps Lincoln was walking up to start his shift in the infirmary. I went to lunch and sat down with Nyx and Mads.

Halfway trough lunch Nyx whispered trying not to bring attention to us "People are talking about what happened and blaming Lincoln" "what why he didn't do anything" I replied "keep it down, I'll tell you later" then they got up and walked away. The one time he actually didn't do anything wrong is when people notice. I just went about the rest of my day as normal I noticed a few people were giving me weird looks but just ignored them.

I walked over to the Hades cabin and knocked on the door a few minutes later EJ opened the door "what do you want" they said "Nice to see you too is Nyx here" "yeah one sec" they closed the door and a few seconds later it opened again this time Nyx came out. We sat down on the porch and they finally told me what the thing at lunch was.

"Ok so some people are saying that Lincoln passed Bea into the fire" they said "That stupid who's saying that everyone there saw what happened". "Wylan, Sabrin, Jalen, Adi and Charlie are the ones I heard the most"  "WHAT most of them were there" I replied Nyx just shrugged then they hade to go back in their cabin to deal with something. I decided to go back to the infirmary to check on Bea and maybe get Nicola to talk to some of the people spreading the rumour. I walked up the steps and heard yelling oh great I thought. I walk in the door and saw Nico and Charlie having a screaming fight in the middle of the infirmary.

"How Fucking dare you I wouldn't lie especially about something like this" Nicola exclaimed as he was typing to hit Charlie in the face but was thankfully healed back by Leo and Charlie was being held back by Percy.

"You're right you don't "lie" you bend the truth and only tell what will help you" Charlie said making air quotes around the word lie. I walked in between them and just said "I will not have two head councillors fight in this infirmary if you want to kill each other do it in the arena" "bu-" they both tried to argue "NO just stop there's sick people trying to heal and you two screaming at each other is not going to help anyone now either make up or get out" I wasn't quite yelling but just telling them "Fine she's not worth it anyway" Nico said. Charlie ignored that last comment and started to walk for the door but right as she opened the door Lincoln walked in from his break.

Charlie did not hesitate to swing at him thankfully he ducked and ran past her just in time for Percy to grab his sister and drag her out of the infirmary. "The fuck was that about" Lincoln asked "You" I told him. "I didn't do anything tough I trie-" he started then I cut him off "we know but some people fell the need to blame someone it can never just be an accident" "well didn't you try making Nicola tell them he doesn't lie they'd believe him" Lincoln suggested and Nico chuckled angrily "yeah we tried that" I said. "Let's not talk about that for now" I said but of corse nothing is ever that simple and Jalen came storming into the infirmary towards us "Lincoln go hide now" I whispered she hadn't gotten far enough into the infirmary to see Lincoln.

He ran and hid in the back room "Where is he"she asked furious "there's a lot of hes which one are you referring to" I replied "don't be smart with me" she said even angrier. Nicola had walked away so Jalen couldn't take advantage of his truth power which sometimes feels more like a curse.

"Never mind can I at least see Bea make sure she's alive" I nodded then walked her over to Beas bed. "Well at least you guys didn't lie about her being alive" I didn't even bother trying to tell her the truth she wouldn't have listened.

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