Winter solstice

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Maybe this will be a happy chapter maybe that's my gift to y'all
Nicola's POV

I sat down on my bunk after Lincoln went back to join the group "what's wrong" Jasper asked. "Hmm nothing just of corse the tree got messed up maybe it's a sign" I replied "I sign?" "I don't know" I said, "if you wanna talk about it come find me" Jasper said then got up and headed for the door.

I got up and headed over to Thalia's tree to see the damage. As I walked up Izzy and Maya were there still. Izzy was holding up the fleece well Maya moved the water away to make a spot to put it down "whatcha doing" I asked making both of them jump realizing I was there "oh hey Nico we put out the fire but the soil was soaked so we are drying a spot for the fleece" Maya explained. "So how much trouble is he in" Izzy asked "Lincoln? None it was an accident" they looked at each other almost in disagreement "is there something you know that would change that" I asked them, "Nope just it's Lincoln you know" I shrugged then walked off not worth the trouble.

The next day I woke up very excited "Wakey Wakey It's the Winter solstice and the First day of Yule" I yelled to wake up the cabin all I got in response was a couple unhappy groans from people and a few shut ups. The schedule for today was a little different so I put it up on the back of the cabin door and had one in my pocket. Basically today was a free day to do whatever you wanted and you didn't have to stay with your cabin except for meal times and for the campfire(but no ones stays with their cabin then either way). I was in charge of running archery with Bea for the first half of the day then after lunch I'd switch with Jasper and go help Leo with arts and crafts. Mr.D claims he hates us but then let's us work with our friends or maybe he's just in the holiday spirit either way I'm not complaining.

Halfway trough archery Bea thought it would be funny to make Heja a new Athena kid act like a chicken I told them to knock it off mostly because she was holding a bow and could have gotten herself of others seriously hurt and I didn't want to deal with that. After lunch I went to switch with Jasper and help out Leo with the arts and crafts. I walked up to the and asked jokingly "so everyone still alive with dumb and dumber leading over here?" I get a few snickers for campers and an "oh shut up Nicola" from Jasper right before he walked away to go to his after lunch post. About an hour into arts and crafts all the kids had been set up and we were really just there to "monitor" in case something went wrong.

"Here" Leo said handing me a box "gift exchange is during the campfire" I told him "So that's just a suggestion you know you wanna open it now" "just for that I'm gonna wait" I told him and put the box in my bag. I looked over at him and he had a smug look like he'd won or something "what" I asked "nothing just owe Jasper some money" he said "you bet on if I'd open the box is there even anything in it" "yes there is it's your gift for today just Jasper was right that you'd hold off opening it I had way less faith in you" "thanks" he then made a cringy heart with his hands so I slapped him and said "stop being cheesy" "never"

After dinner we I helped Bee get everyone to the campfire. We did the gift exchange and of corse all the head councillors got half assed gifts from arts and crafts but I always like them I keep everything people give me I have a bin under my bunk so if someone makes me anything I immediately like them. I waited out of spite to open Leo's gift last, when I opened i smiled like an idiot it was a iPod shuffle but I could tell it wasn't bought "Did you make this" I asked him "yeah and I made it solar powered like you" I just started at him it was kind of funny but still "anyway because it doesn't connect to sidelight no monsters will smell it" he explained "awesome and let me guess Jasper helped you pick the music" they both nodded then Jasper handed me a pair of ear buds to go with my iPod.

After everyone had given out and revived their gifts the talent show started First was Jasper and Janvi they played a couple songs on guitar and sang, next was Izzy she'd gotten a few other people to join her and make a "live action" avatar the last airbender thing it was pretty cool. There was a few other people mostly either singing or showing off their powers then it died down most kids had gone to sleep and it was mostly the older kids just hanging out. I looked over and saw Lincoln sitting near the fire peacefully maybe he'd learnt from yesterday's situation. Then I heard Bea yelling "I Have a talent" "drinking isn't a talent Bea" I yelled at them "someone's had one to many eggnogs" Leo whispered.

We didn't pay much attention to her this was usual especially for the holidays it's like a tradition you know you decorate a tree, you give gifts, Bea gets absolutely plastered.

Bea went and sat down next to Lincoln bar the fire and I went back to my conversation. A few minutes later I saw Bea trying to get up and failing miserably, Lincoln tried to help her up but she smacked his hand away which made her lose her balance and she stumbled backwards right into the fire.

I didn't know what to do I froze "Everything ok" Leo asked "Bea" that's all I could get out then Lincoln screamed this all happened in a matter of seconds "help I-fuck what do I do HELP she fell into the fire" Leo ran over I also saw Percy and Charlie get up, a couple seconds later Leo was dragging Beas body out of the firepit and Charlie had put out the fire with water.

I tried to run over and help but Bee and Jasper pushed past me "you're not a healer just get everyone back to the cabin" they were right I couldn't do much but it still hurt.

I had to keep it together she wasn't confirmed dead or they wouldn't have needed a healer so I got everyone else back to the cabin as we were walking Charlie walked passed us "Nice one Linc" "I tried to help her she fell okay" he said back "both of you not the time Charlie leave him alone you didn't see what happened I did he didn't do anything no go" I pointed towards cabin 3 "whatever" she said walking off.

Once I got everyone back to the cabin I walked over to the infirmary to make sure she was at least alive I was holding back tears as I walked up the steps I didn't even see Leo who was sitting on the top step. "Yeah no you're not going in there" he said pulling me into a hug, "that can't be the last thing I said to her "drinking isn't a talent" she deserves better" I started to cry I hit Leo laughed a little at my comment about Bea which only made me cry more. "They knew I'd come here?" I asked "yeah they made me stand guard" even when someone could be dying this guy still tries to joke I know it's to lighten the mood or cope but sometimes it comes off as insensitive. We walked around for a while till I stoped crying then he walked me back to my cabin

"You gonna be ok" he asked sitting on the porch swing "No I don't wanna go in there" I sat down next to him "here lay down" he said so I did then he pulled out the IPod and made me put in the earbuds. He clicked shuffle all so the last thing I remember before falling asleep was Leo lip singing to Taylor swift then I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and the music was still on shuffle i checked the battery still half full pretty dam good for being played all night. I sat up and saw Leo had fallen asleep on the swing and I was using his lap as a pillow "wake up" I said throwing one of the cushions at his head which woke him up. "What why the rude awakening did someone die or something" he said "not funny" I said a little mad at his comment but honestly even Bea would have found that funny. "Can I go get an update or am I still banned from the infirmary" I asked "I don't know go see". I made him come with me in case they wouldn't let me in at least he could get me an update.

Once we got there Jasper was on the front step "update please" I said "I- I don't know if I should tell you" I looked him dead in the eyes trying to force him to say the truth he was about to talk when the door opened and Bee walked out "Jasper I need your help" he got up and went back inside, I grabbed his wrist and said "just tell me if shes alive I'm a doctor too I can handle the truth" he looked at Bee for advice "fine" he said so I followed them in. We walked to one of the back patient rooms and after I walked in they closed the curtain thankfully she wasn't burnt that badly only some on her arms and legs and her face was mostly spared.

Except for when she fell she must have hit her face on a stick or something because she had a scar over her eyes going down her cheek almost identical to her maternal brothers Luke. "She's alive right" I asked nervous "yeah just in a coma not only from hitting their head badly but also they were so low like I don't know how they were walking low" Jasper said handing me the chart he knew it would calm me to read it to see everything they did and what still had to be done. I told them I wails stay and monitor Bea for the day and explain what had happened to their siblings.

Around lunch time the Dionysus twins came in "is she alive" Pollux asked "yes just in a coma" I explained what had happened and that her body is in a coma to heal. Being in the infirmary I could hear the people in rooms next to me and i just ignored them but they were talking about who was responsible for Bea being in a coma the answer nobody's fault but if we had to blame someone it would be Bea. I stayed by her side for the rest of the day monitoring any neurological changes and monitoring their blood sugar.

A/N I only said maybe it would be happy and Bea is fine yall

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