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Lincoln's POV

I was watching the chariot race in case of injuries the first place was close between Ares and Hermes  I couldn't quite see the fight but I could tell they were fighting it was clarrise fighting a poor unclaimed kid she was holding her ground pretty good but the Ares cabins till won. Right as they passed the finish line the Hermes girl put down her sword thinking they'd lost so it was over.

Clarrise had other ideas she didn't see the girl put down the sword and it was to late she'd already swung which resulted in the girl being stabbed right through the shoulder way to close to her neck. Once they got to the ground I ran over and started trying to heal her. "Is she gonna be okay" both Travis and Clarrise asked I didn't know I mean the sword hit a huge vein in her neck which was now bleeding uncontrollably. I couldn't tell them if she'd do fine so I tried to calm them down well also trying to hold pressure and heal her neck.

"Travis what's her name" I was trying to distract him and myself I was scared. "Uhh Anna yeah it's Anna" he said not very confident in his answer "is that a question or an answer" clarrise said to him.

"Whatever Anna do you know anything about Anna her blood type, age, weight, Anything?!" We needed to know those things in case we had to put her under."I don't know I know she likes drawing"Travis said even more nervous then before. I had to keep saying in my head he's just nervous he's just nervous because that's not really helpful "not really what I was looking for" I said trying to hide my nervousness to keep everyone else calm.

After a few minutes I'd healed her neck enough to move her to the infirmary. Once we got her there I walked in and realized Technically me and Jasper are in charge because Maddy is still in the race. I told clarrise who was carrying Anna to stay put well I went and got jasper. He was in the back with the other and as soon as I walked in it was like I ruined the fun.

"Already?" He asked I nodded on the way to the front I told him what had happened with the girl he told all the other healers to get ready and told me to go scrub in which meant surgery. We didn't really have an operating room so we just had to convert a patient room into one so we put Anna in one of the farthest rooms and once I was ready I could already hear the other people coming in with injuries. Once Jasper came in he turned to me.

"You ready" "are you? You just got back not even 2 days ago" I asked "I'm fine can you go get some extra O- and uhh I really didn't want to have to do this" he paused for a second

"Go discharge Nicola it's all hands on deck but tell him if he doesn't take it easy I'll stab him with this sword" he pointed to the sword in Anna's neck. As fast as I could I went and got some extra blood then I ran over to Nicola's room and grabbed his chart off the wall "The fuck are you doing" he asked "Happy freaking birthday or whatever your discharged" I said I was trying to be funny. Before I left I said one last thing "Oh and Jasper said if you don't take it easy he'll stab you so.." then I left

As I ran out the room I heard him yell "why do you have that much blood" then as he followed me out I think he realized. I ran back to Anna's room and put down the blood. "What now" I asked "now.. we gotta take out the sword" there wasn't really a place to put a tourniquet because the sword was in her shoulder close to her neck so we'd just have to hope it didn't hit anything to bad and that we'd be able to control the bleeding.

Jasper got ready to control the bleeding and I got ready to pull the sword. I pulled the sword it was pretty easy which felt like a good sign maybe it didn't hit anything or it would have been harder to pull out.

Right as I pulled the sword out I got blinded for a second and I think Jasper did too because he kind of yelled "what the" I asked then realized Anna was being claimed. I dropped the sword on the ground and went to help jasper but he just looked at me we both stood there for a second not knowing what to do "Do not tell ANYONE, and Lincoln go get more cloths there's more blood then I thought" I just stood there not knowing what to do "did you hear me GO" he yelled.

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