The chuhaha cries

20 3 39

Maddy POV

Okay so first day back at camp at least I got to sleep before the chaos started. They made me show Michael around like I said before I knew him a bit but wouldn't literally anyone else be better for this someone who knew him better or at all, also why did I have to show him around camp it's not like he just appeared yesterday..well... either way it hasn't changed that much I don't think.

At least when I showed him around I didn't have to worry about him getting lost because he already knew the layout of camp mostly the one thing that really shocked him was the new cabins. Honestly I'd forgotten what camp looked like before we added them.

"So when did those get added" he asked pointing at the minor cabins "oh...umm after the war they started building them almost immediately" I replied I had to think a bit of how long ago they'd actually been built.

"So if there anything you wanted to see or anyone?" I asked not really knowing how to give a tour to someone who's been at camp longer then me. "Who's alive I guess is the question I should be asking" he joked I gave a half hearted laugh but that question was kind of sad.

After a few moments of silence he asked a different question "Actually what about finding me a bunk because I don't feel like sleeping in the infirmary again"

"Oh yeah well your old bed was taken but I'm sure we have extras" I replied then we walked back over to the cabin. "So how many kids do we have in the cabin now" he asked "well all year about nine but I think with the summer campers it's like 20" I turned to see if that answer shocked him but he just nodded.

"Not surprised by that" I asked "not really I think right before the war we had 32" he said "32! What the cabin badly fits ten of us" I said "Yeah I guess home sweet home though" he said sarcastically.

I looked around the cabin looking for an empty bunk there was a few but most were top bunks and I wasn't sure if he could get up their. The only one left was a bunk near the front. "How about that one" he asked "do you mind getting punched and possibly kicked in your sleep from one side and yelled at from the other" I asked the bunk was empty for a good reason.

In the corner to the left of it was Audrey's bed and on the right was trevors and Judiths and they always fight about everything and anything. "I'm sure I can deal with it" he said walking over "you're funera...uh sorry" I stopped myself before finishing that sentence the room was quite for a few seconds I was worried he was mad then he burst out laughing.

He went over and sat down on the bed "so did you guys keep any of my stuff or did you throw it away after I died" he asked how could he ask that so calmly it was weird I guess having five years to process your death can make you feel better about it.

I tried to think most of his stuff other kids probably took but I guess everyone was to busy cleaning up after the war or mourning to worry about where his stuff would go then I remembered after Bella died we put the stuff no one could use or that no one wanted in the attic, without the oracle living there it just became more storage.

"Yeah I think I know where it is but I don't know how much of your stuff is left" I said "so I died and everything went free game to take" he asked jokingly "yeah pretty much".

We walked over to the big house and sitting on the steps were Izzy and Jalen "hey Mad... is that Michael?!" Izzy asked we both nodded "next your gonna say Lees alive or something" Izzy joked neither of us said anything "WHAT! How?" She added "not sure really didn't really ask" I replied.

"So what are you guys doing" Jalen chimed in "we were gonna go up to the attic to see if any of Michaels stuff is still there" I answered "ohh you might not wanna go in there right now" Jalen warned us "why not" Michael asked "Mr.D is..talking with Bea and he said "I want to know exactly what happened on that quest" we think he's mostly just upset because apparently Hades isn't very happy with the no notice show ups" Jalen explained.

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