Special chapter;Monster mash

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No specific POV

It was Halloween night and and everyone was getting ready for the party at Beas cabin well those invited there was only 12 people (not including the hosts Bea and her gf)

Because it was Halloween night everyone got dressed up even if it was just for the day and at night the younger kids would get to go cabin to cabin trick or treating and a camp half blood it's was real TRICK OR TREAT especially if you chose to go up to the Hermes cabin. But the older kids would throw parties which were also fun. Nicola, Phee and adleigh were helping Bea set up everything Nick was helping set up the music, Phee and adleigh were helping set up the decorations and Bea was setting up the food with her girlfriend. "What are you dressed as Nico" Adleigh asked granting the tape from next to the speaker "I'm dressed as Leo and he's going as me Phee helped us come up with it" he responded Phee smiled and shook their plastic bow. Phee was dressed as Cupid so she brought a bow with sticky arrows to shot couples.

After they were done setting up they sat down for a few minutes and waited for the first people to show up. It wasn't long before someone knocked at the door and they all raced to open it. Bea opened the door and let them him it was Ella who was dressed as Chucky and Joanna dressed as a pirate. "I love your costumes" Ella said to everyone as she walked over to get some punch then asked "Bea what are you a pumpkin" "kinda me and robin are pumpkin head people" Bea replied Ella just gave her a nod and said "that's cool" then walked away.

Soon more people showed up it was Jasper who was dressed as a Sirius black, Mads who was dressed as Remus lupin and Leo who was dressed as Nicola. The second he walked trough the door Phee shot him with one of their arrows and it hit him right on the forehead sadly it fell of pretty quick but still left a red circle for a few minutes and got a couple laughs from the room. "Fuck I think this speaker is broken" Nico yelled from the back of the room Jasper and Leo went over to see what was up well Bea went and greeted the next people, it was Charlie who was dressed as Kaz Brekker and Percy who was dressed as a mermaid. They walked in and joined the party which wasn't really much of a party without the music so Ella went over to see what was up and just as she did the speaker turned on right in her ear.

"Speaker works" Nicola said "no shit" Ella complained as she got up off the floor. The music was finally on and Jasper told Nico to stay away from the speaker which he did not protest. After about 10 minutes the final guest arrived. It was Annabeth who was dressed as Astrid from how to train your dragon and EJ who was dressed as Percy except all they had was a skateboard in one hand and some seaweed on their head. Charlie started laughing when she saw EJ and asked "Oh my gods are you supposed to be Percy" they nodded and Charlie kept laughing till Percy punched her in the arm.

The night was fun some dancing some games and a punch of Phee shooting the couples with their arrows. She shot Bea on the forehead then hid behind robin. Bea pretended to be mad and said "aren't you going to apologize for shooting me with this arrow" "oh of corse" robin said just as she kissed Bea on the forehead then said "sorry".

Every couple minutes some kids would come knocking at the door for trick or treating and the persons who went up would ask what's their costume and tell them it was adorable/cool. Right as Percy closed the door everyone went silent as a kid yelled from outside "everyone run monsters" "probably Travis terrorizing kids again" Phee said everyone laughed then went back to the party thinking nothing of it. A few minutes later Janvi came running trough the door she looked like she was about to cry but all's he said was "Nico! Jasper! Infirmary NOW"

A/N it's short but set up for Janvis chapter hope y'all like ur mentions

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