Who tf is in charge of our cabin?

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Lincoln's POV

The funeral went..as expected well except for when Janvi went up to talk no one was expecting that he'll I would have expected Clovis to wake up and say a speach before Janvi.

After Chiron dismissed everyone he pulled me aside and asked me to tell Nicola that tomorrow morning there was going to be a head concler meeting actually someone over heard him tell me that and decided to make a comment "Haud her wheesht first you all kill Katie then your brother doesn't even have the audacity to show to the fucking funeral." I turned to see Ella she kinda of scoffed as she said it, I didn't reply mostly because Chiron would have probably killed me or put me on like stable cleaning duty.

I hurried back to the cabin and shut the door behind me "why are you slamming the door like that?" A voice called out "sorry" I replied walking over to my bunk.

Nicola was sitting on his bed talking with Lee and Tyler another one of the younger summer campers, "Chiron told me to tell you that tomorrow morning there's a head concler meeting" I said then he looked up at me and smiled I bit "pretty sure that's Lee's problem he's the oldest" Nico replied we both looked over to Lee.

"Hay I retired when I died so no thanks" Lee said "well if dying is the only way out of this job then I'm retired too" Nico debated back

"how about you both go to the meeting and stop fighting" Michael yelled from his bed which made a few kids around the cabin chuckle.

"Shouldn't Lee and Michael be the two in charge?" I asked which got me a death glare from the ankle biter. I let them argue out who was going to go to the meeting and just went to sleep.

The next morning we'll everyone else went to breakfast Lee, Michael, and Nicola went over to the big house for the meeting. I skipped breakfast and snuck around the back of the big house to hear what was happening. When I turned the corner I thought I had gotten caught but it was just Heja who jumped a little probably also thinking they'd gotten caught eavesdropping. "What are you doing here" they asked quietly "same thing as you trying to listen to the meeting" that sounded a lot more boring then it was.

The window was open so anyone nearby could hear the "discussion" it was as it always it an series of arguments. "So why are they even alive huh" I heard Nyx ask most likely referring to Lee and Michael.

"Why don't you ask your dad" Nicola rebuttled which caused some people to start asking/screaming question, bringing parents into the argument here at camp wasn't always the best strategy. Chiron calmed the room down and stated to everyone to leave parentage out of the discussion or there would be consequences, that didn't really stop anyone.

"Why were you guys even near Hades's palace" someone asked I didn't hear who it was "who told you we were there" Said Nicola no one replied "well if you have to know we were trying to save Bea!" Nicola added.

"Don't bring me into this I never asked you guys to save me" Bea shouted "actually you did by sending Janvi and Lincoln dreams about Tartarus and Luke! Also the green smoke and prophecy from the oracle was pretty hard to ignore"

Chiron again shut down the conversation and told everyone to stay on track for the topic but was cut off by Ella "it's not fair that they have three people from their cabin here and some only have one" I didn't even need to be in the room to know she was talking about us. I'd only heard so much of the meeting but it felt very targeted towards certain people thoese people being bright shining targets or as Bea calls us "dilf kids"

The room went quite for about a minute then Chiron spoke again "Michael you are free to leave because you are no longer considered a head councillor for the Apollo cabin." The room seemed happy with that or happy enough that no one tried to kill another.

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