This could have gone a lot worse

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Nicola's POV (yes aging)

The next day I had to get up early again to go to the meeting that I really didn't want to go to. Apparently from what Michael told me someone (Ella) started something and now we all have to get up at 7 am for a meeting.

I was already nervous going into the meeting because of us having three counselors there was already a lot of pushback when we first had two because apparently, it made voting on things unfair to the cabins with fewer kids but then most cabins ended up with two councillors so the whole fight was useless.

We walk into the break room and I sat on the couch off to the side hoping to at least sit down and let my leg rest for a few minutes before I'd have to stand for who knows how long. Slowly people started to come in and I was hoping everyone would be on time so we could be done with this and not have to sit awkwardly in this room anymore. I tried to give a friendly wave to Selina as she walked in but she just ignored everyone in the room and headed to the back corner, following closely behind her was Drew who gave me a not so friendly glare as she passed.

the meeting started soon and it went as expected but non one got stabbed so I consider it a win the only thing I wasn't expecting was Linclon, heja, and Sara to show up at the end basically undoing all the points I tried to make in the meeting. look I know from personal experience that campers listen in on the meetings however unlike my nieve siblings and Heja I knew not to get caught. I am however impressed that they were able to get inside the big house because Chrion locked all the doors and windows and had people outside to make sure no one came in.

after the meeting a few of us stuck around and once we were sure certain people were out of earshot we had a good laugh about some of the stuff people said during the meeting.

"I don't think people with dangerous powers should be here blah blah.." I said breaking the silence I tried to say it in a joking tone but that sentence really bothered me, not only do some of my siblings and friends have "dangerous powers" if you could call them that but my boyfriend was practically excluded from his cabin by his own siblings when they found about his abilities, also not to mention how when Nico Diangelo first started to reveal his abilities how people at camp feared him and didn't care when he ran away it made me feel sick, especially knowing Sara is probably feeling a lot of the same things both Nico, Leo and countless others did or still do.

we sat around chatting for a while after Lee kicked out the younger campers who had been eavesdropping on our conversation and then Chiron came back in "advising" we went back to our jobs. Lee and I meet back up with our cabin for combat training which of course the second Micheal and Jasper saw up they sent the hoard of siblings our way.

we started getting everyone into groups when I finally noticed what cabin got stuck with us as Jalen walked over to me "This isn't going to be a problem is it" she asked "Nope as long as your campers fight fair everything should be fine" I replied trying to keep the conversation to a minimum. We usually try to keep campers who have a not so good relationship away from each other especially when it comes to training but sometimes it's inevitable, Clarrise immediately jumped on the opportunity to be paired with Micheal who sadly did not protest I don't think Micheal has quite realized not only has he hot trained in five years which already gives clairsse a huge advantage but the guys still 4' 6" and Clarisse is now five years older then him, which if you still don't get my point imagine a police trained german shepherd in a fight with a chihuahua, but honestly they were too old for me to care so if Micheal wants to get himself killed again that's not my problem.

Ella paired up with one of the other older Ares kids and I got paired with Jalen. I'm lucky Jalen doesn't fully hate my guts or I would have been seriously injured or worse, I think she noticed after the first few minutes that I wasn't really able to fight as well as usual or dodge as well which we both found out at about the same moment when she sliced my right hand from my wrist to my middle finger. I dropped my sword and did my best to wrap my hand in my shirt as I tried to go sit on the sidelines.

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