Snow day (katie stop trying to start fights)

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Dec 14th 2013 (im not actualy sure what year)

"all the healers are really struggling today like its taking so much energy to heal even small wounds" Will explained he sounded very worried

"Maybe its just because its winter sometimes we get tired theres not as much sun" i said hoping that was the reason, i decided to make a trip back to the cabin when i ran into Leilani who was playing some game on a computer

"Fuck is this thing broken?" she said hitting the screen

"you're not even supposed to have that i don't think you get to complain about it not working well" i told her

"Thats not why! its because it just shut off without warning" i looked past her at the screen she was right the whole screen was black and wasnt turning back on, I'm not really good with techonogy but i knew it shouldn't just turn off like that.

"well guess you have to..oh no....go outside" i replied mockingly

Leilani just handed me the laptop

"Go make Leo fix it or something" before i could reply she had walked back over to her bunk and started talking to her rat. i made my way over to the "canoe lake" which had more been turned into a skating rink from the cold, normally the weather barrier works well to keep it warm at camp but some kids really want to have snowball fights so they ask the khione kids to make to snow (or they just mess with the boarder)

Sitting off to the side was leo so i walked over to him

"You literally look bored out of your mind...want something to fix" i said waving the computer at him

"I don't like snow" he replied grabbing the computer and immediately trying to find something wrong with it.

"aww cause she turned you down boohoo" i said he looked up confused

"who told you that" he asked

"Im Canadian...and Piper may have told me, either way if i was you id be taking my one chance to throw snow in the Khione kid's faces"

"id rather do this, whats even wrong with it" leo asked. i told him about what happened with leilani and how it just shut off and apparently a few other people had come to him because their technology was also not working. i suggested it was probably that solar flare people had been talking about because i know those can mess with technology but i didn't know it could be bad enough to compleaty shut off stuff

"sorry cant fix the sun... however it is your bir" Leo said but i got distracted by someone tapping my shoulder, i turned and saw Jalen

"something happen?" i asked cautiously

"Katie told us to come apologize for trying to kill you when she was dead" Jalen said pointing a few yards away to where katie was standing as she gave us a small wave

"Apologie accepted" i said then noticed katie walking over to us

"happy now i said i was sorry to him" Jalen said

Katie had a look of disappointment "Really? that's it i was hoping you two would fight or something"

well the two talked i reached down and grabbed a handful of snow in each hand then i threw it at each of them "is that good enough of a fight" i asked

"no" katie said removing her other hand from her pocket and throwing a bunch of snow directly in my face. before i could reply somene else threw snow at us three but it missed and i wasnt even sure who they'd been aiming for, i looked over

"i tried my best" Leo said seconds before getting a face full of snow from jalen. i tried not to laugh but it was really was funny until katie tackled me into the snow.

i don't know how normal kids have snowball fights but at camp its more of a snow war. i did feel a little bad at first because of my aiming powers i thought that was a huge advantage, untill Bea joined the fight and made all of us paranoid with her mind manipulation powers so afterwards i felt a lot better about pushing them onto the ice which broke under them (they're fine).

after the first few minutes Jalen and Katie had teamed up and used the strategy to put ROCKS in their snowballs, so i teamed up with Leo who had the great idea that he could slightly melt the snow to make the outside ice and would give them to me because i could actually aim. a few other kids joined in but they were more just trying to shoot anyone and didnt have a strategy.

the fight was fun until i heard a girl shout and her voice sent chills down my spine which made me freeze

"whats wrong" Leo asked noticing i had stoped moving

"that cant be her shes dead" i thought to myself until i heard her voice again

"Oh my gods what's happening is there's a monster or something" The voice was distant but unmistakable, i decided to poke my head out from the hiding spot i was in, i still thought of the possibility that Bea was just messing with my head but for her to use the voice of my dead sister to win a snow fight seemed to mean even for them so i took the chance i looked anyway.

i stood up and looked over to a small clearing in the trees where a girl who looked about 16 maybe 17 was standing, she had blonde curly hair that was so fizzy and teazed she must have stolen the look from a 90s magazine, but even weirder she was standing in old armor with jeans and an old ripped up camp teeshirt underneath, and not old armour like ancient I'm plenty used to that but old like a set I used to have.

I could've ignored all that and assumed it was just some kid who was new and got some shitty old armor but when she turned and I saw her blue eyes i felt a pounding in my chest and my own eyes started to fill with water

"Nico are you trying to get hit!" Leo yelped grabbing at my arm

I ignored him and started walking towards the girl

"Lucy?" I barely managed to get out before I started sobbing

"And who are you? where is everyone what's going on" she asked

A/n I really hope that is Lucy and not her twin anyway wow me updating this fic whattttt

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