Valentines dsy!!!(i didnt forget this time)

19 3 84

Feb 14 2014

This year as usual all camp activities for he day were somewhat canccled and they were more optional to pick what you wanted to do, and things like arts and crafts were themed more to the holiday

I on my day off decided to bother Leo who was working on a project in Bunker 9. I wasrnt really sure what normal couples do on valentines day when they dont like going to restaurants or "taking nice walks"

Disite Leo claiming he does not want to make today a big deal and he told me not to go overboard on the gifts or anything I still wanted to make sure i got him something, and for a while now hes told me hes upset because he didnt have many pictures of his mother so i made him a few drawings of her along side that i bought him a bag of Robertsin scews because we had quite the argument over if americas or canadians made better screws (Canadians do). I gave him the gifts first thin when i saw him and he seemed happy but he told me i had to wait to get my gift which is annoying because he knows im impatient but i trusted him.

For most of the morning i just sat next to him as he worked on something Harley had asked for help with.

"You know he dosnt actaly need your help right?" i told leo who seemed confused

"Yes he does why else would he ask" he replied

"Probably the same reason he throws a malet at my head every time im with you, im just lucky hes got shit aim" i paused hoping Leo would undertsnad what i meant but he didnt

I sighed "hes an annoying little brother trust me i have a few..he asked you for help because he wants to spend time with you and deosnt know any other way, notice he only every asks for help when youre hangout with someone else"

"Arent you considered the annoying little brother to you siblings"

"I used to be yes"

"Used to be? He asked "oh never mind"

"Well at the rate things are going right now with lucy and flowers appearing i might retake my title as the annoying little brother"
I went on annoying both Leo and Harley for a while until Bea walked over at around lunch time.

"Hey bea what up" i asked

"I need your help, you know how i promised to decorate the big house for the valentines day party tonight...well we dont have balloons" they explained they seemed quite worried about this so i tired to reply sincerely

"Youre telling me no oe at camp has any all?" i replied but thr more i thought about it i was kindof tempted to go get them just to get out of camp even for just an hour

"Well there is but none of them are pink or heart shaped"

"Where are we even supposed to get heart shaped balloons the nearest town is 30 minutes away and i dont think they have a big selection of balloons" i said

Just can you do it or not?" their voice way more serious them before

"Fine but how are we een supposed to get there we cant really take the camp vans, chiron hid the keys and i dont feel like breaking into them" i asked and Beas expression changed to confusion

"Just take your car" they suggested

"I dont have a car" i answered

"Really because Charlie told me that Jalen had heard from Katie who may or may not have been eaves dropping on selina talking to beckendorf who heard from"

"Get to the point" i interpreted them

"Basicaly Piper said you hav-OHH never mind he hasnt shown you yet" bea said, i looked behind me to see Leo motioning for Bea to shut up well waving his hands. I looked back over to Bea who was backing away slowly towards the door

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