Head councillor curse

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Mads POV

Most people think the infirmary is a safe place it's where you go when your hurt, need help or sometimes just to get out of doing something you don't wanna do. It's true the infirmary is usually a very safe place but not always sometimes patients are aggressive for many reasons and when it's a trained demigod it can be very dangerous. Also there's sharp tools everywhere and depending on what the patients injury is that can bring in a whole other type of danger from swords and weapons to curses and poison.

I had the day shift with Bella she was at camp for a day or two because of the whole rescue mission thing and so she decided to help out. The day shift is always busy because of the camp activities with the amount of training we do there a lot of injuries. About halfway through the day Wylan came in practically dragging an unconscious Lincoln behind her. Wylan is the newest hades kid they've been at camp only a month or two. Lincoln had an arrow sticking out his leg it looked like someone had wrapped the leg to transport him properly. I ran over "Bella help over here" I yelled and she came over to help me carry him. Once we got him to a bed Bella told me she could handle it and I should go get a report from Wylan so I did.

"So what happened archery practice gone wrong again" I joked "I don't know I just found him like that I was just on a walk in the forest" they said, they sounded pretty scared I mean after a while you get desensitized to this stuff so I forget that this could be traumatic for someone to drag a wounded person to the infirmary. "If you find out anything come tell one of us otherwise" I took out a notepad and wrote a note that said ; day off-Mads. "Here go have a day off" I handed them the paper and they walked out for he infirmary so i went to check on Bella and Lincoln.

I opened the curtain and just as I did she was pulling out the arrow "Ah oww shit" she said dropping the arrow on the floor. "What are you ok" I asked "yeah just got a splinter from the stupid arrow you mind finishing up here well I go get this out" she wasn't really asking more telling me too she was already walking out of the room.

Sometimes using healing powers or Vitakinesis if we want to get very medical almost feels like cheating when healing injuries. I finished healing Lincoln's injuries as much as I could then went back to my other patients well I waited for him to wake up. After a while I went back and he was trying to get out of the bed "whoah where do you think you're going" I said trying to push him back "I'm fine" he said "clearly not you came in unconscious with an arrow in your leg what happened" he signed then sat down on the bed

"Me and EJ were trying out new poison arrows out in the woods and we thought we saw a monster and stuff got mixed up and they shot me" he said "so you've been shot with arrows before and came in conscious why weren't you think time" I said "well I was using my healing powers to stop the poison from spreading which put me into a comatose state until the poison left my body" he said that so sarcastically like I should have known. I gave him some ambrosia to help heal the inner wound and any poison that was still in his blood stream then was about to go back to my normal routine when I realized I haven't seen Bella in a while.

I looked in every room asking people if they'd seen her lately but no then I remembered.

"BELLA" I yelled I had opened the door to the backroom and she was laying there on the floor. I ran over and tried to get her to a bed so I could treat her "LINCOLN, ANYONE HELP" Izzy came running in she was in the infirmary for burn out they'd over done it with the water powers and were resting. "Is everythi- what happened is she okay"she asked "clearly not help me get her to a bed" I said picking up one of Bellas arms.

"Izzy go get me som- wait you're a Poseidon kid?" I asked she nodded "yeah why" "can't you guys like control poison or something"

"I mean I can try why" they asked I just gestured to Bella "Oh!" She tried for a few minutes then said normally she could but they were already burnt out from earlier that day and they've never don't it before so she didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry Mads I tried but even Percy had struggles doing this" "it's okay you tried what else, what else could be get Percy? No that would take to long" I was thinking out loud "she's probably in a coma like Lincoln's body did to protect him and he got a full dose of the poison she only got a splinter she should be fine. Right?!" I looked up at Izzy who just shrugged.

I stayed by her side and monitored her vitals everything looked fine eventually my shift ended and Lincoln switched out with me. He was pretty much healed and all he had to do was sit in the chair and watch a screen so I went back to the cabin for the night.

I was just about to fall asleep when Jasper shook me awake "hey" he said "aren't you supposed to be working" I asked "yeah but Bella wants to see you" "BELLA" I said sitting up then I ran out the door towards the infirmary.

I ran thought the door then towards her room and pulled back the curtain "Time of death 22:13" Lincoln said writing something down "No, NO!" I turned and pushed Jasper "You said she wanted to see me she was fine" I started to tear up "she was she was up and talking Lincoln I left you alone with her for two minutes what happened" jasper asked him

"terminal lucidity I'm so sorry" he said. We all knew what that meant it's usually in cancer patients or hospice patients basically it's like a sudden boost in energy, mood and even health in dying patients it can happen days, hours or even minutes before they die, it's like the universe playing a cruel joke giving hope that the person is finally getting better then pulling them away.

"What do we do" I asked trying to hold back my tears. "Prepare the shroud" a voice from behind me said I turned it was Nicola.

A/n hope y'all don't hate me too much no more Bella chapters

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