Hebe jebes=Fazbear pizza

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⛔️chalice of the gods spoilers read at ur own risk⛔️

We walked into the place and were imidiatly hit with a wave of nostalgia, everything from the bright lights and video games to the music felt like a fever dream.

There was a few people at some old game machines and a few random kids running Around but otherwise the place seemed empty, that wasn't a problem to me just meant less chance of monsters or angry New Yorkers. The place freaked me out a bit in the same way the Lotas casino felt but I assured myself it was nothing.

We skipped past all the games and things dispite them looking really cool and headed straight for the food counter, as I looked over the display case of food options my appetite faded a little not enough to stop me from ordering the slightly moldy pizza but for a few seconds I could hear my siblings voices I'm my head saying something along the lines of "if you get sick I'm not healing you" and about a billion facts about how mold affects your body.

We found a table and once we sat down I got to see what everyone else had decided to suffer trought eating. Nyx got a bowl of popcorn, Sara and Lee got a few packages of candy which they both seemed to be examining terougtly for an expiration date.

Halfway trough our meal Nyx's eyes drifted off towards a sing behind where I was sitting, I turned to read it; KARAOKE!.

"Not happening" I said turning back to my pizza "I think we should at least check it out" they said

"You and Sara go I need to talk to Lee" I suggested "oh come on you're not gonna die it's karaoke" Lee said getting up. I reluctantly went with them not like I had much choice.

As we walked into the hall that lead to the karaoke room we passed a chicken coup and they did not seem very friendly as they were plucking at the cage walls trying to get to us.

We walked into the room lined with chairs as "Benny and the Jets by Elton John was being badly butchered by some forty something year old in an old high school varsity jacket, although who am I to judge he's probably singing better then I could. The crowd half assed sang along but I didn't pay much attention to them I was trying to avoid looking at the stage at much as possible.

I looked over to the corner when a young girl was sitting at a booth she looked to just be enjoying the place but something felt off about the place and about her specifically, a must have zoned out looking at her because soon she got up and walked over to us. The closer she got she seemed younger then the moment before I thought I was just the light or something but once she was standing right in front of me she looked about 14.

"Come join me" she said walking back to the booth.

We all sat and waited for her to say something

"Four Half-Bloods what's the occasion" she giggled a little as she said it, I saw Nyx and Lee reach for their weapons but I wanted to wait and see if it was worth it.

"Just getting some lunch" I replied trying not to escalate the situation, in my head I tried to think of any monster of anything that she could be but I came up blank.

"Wonderful so tell me how you find the food" she asked she didn't seem very concerned or care much they we were demigods which was unusual, before I could really Lee spoke up

"You've got some serious health-code violations here and" before he could finish the girl stopped him

"Uhh of corse children of Apollo always concerned with health I bet you didn't care as much when you were younger about that" she stated

"Hey don't group me with them" Nyx added almost offended they could have been mistaken as our sibling.

"Hebe?" Sara asked we all looked over to her "She's Hebe" she mouthed

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