The flash is back

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Leilanis pov

First thing I did when I got back to camp was go to bed everyone else had friends they wanted to see if things they had to do but my only friend at that point was my nice and comfy bed.

Also I'd only been at camp really like what a week or two so the only people I knew were Eunoia who brought me to the infirmary when I first got here and the Apollo kids because well I'm stuck with them  I hadn't really had the chance to make many friends and I wasn't sure if I would.

As I walked back to the cabin I passed the campfire and a few people starred as I walked by okay maybe a bit more then a few like almost everyone which I expected a bit I mean we did just go on a quest but that's not why half of them were starting at me. I heard a snippet of some of their conversations and when they saw me I immediately changed to "isn't that the plague kid" one asked

"Woah don't say that to loud they might hear you and infect you" their friend joked and they both laughed a bit, they turned pretty quickly once they noticed I was looking at them. I just ignore them and walked back to the cabin.

When I got inside it was chaos as usual I just walked over to my bunk. I finally laid down in my bed and started to close my eyes when someone tapped my shoulder. I jolted up and put my hands in front of me out of instinct and ended up hitting Austin in the face.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry" I said pulling my hands back

"That's.. cough... alright sorry.. cough.. I thought you were awake" he said then started gasping for air I immediately got up "Austin! Are you okay what's happening" I asked

"I.. don't... know.. Help!" He managed to say. I looked around for help I didn't know what to do. A little boy with black hair was standing a few feet away holding a sun shaped pillow, he looked confused and scared I didn't know what to do.

The kid who couldn't have been older then 9 walked up to us I was trying not to panic. "What happening is he okay" the little boy asked "I.. I don't know is there someone who can help in here" I asked I don't know why I thought a 9 year old would know the answer but my brother wasn't breathing so rationally kinda went out the window.

The boy then ran up to Austin and tugged on his pants to get his attention, Austin looked down and grabbed the boys hand and within a matter of seconds his breathing started to regulate.

After a few minutes Austin seemed fine and he sat down on the floor "are you okay" the little boy asked "yeah Trevor I'm okay now go back to bed" Austin replied "okay here you go it will keep you safe" the boy Trevor replied handing Austin his pillow then he hurried back to his bed.

I reached out my hand to help Austin up "New powers cool maybe try it on a monster next time" as I helped him to his feet "new power? Oh gods I'm so sorry" I said I didn't realize I could do that I knew that when I was scared sometimes people would get sick but I didn't know slapping someone would cause them to stop breathing.

Austin went back to bed so I did the same. The next morning I got up and woke up to an empty cabin. I got up and walk out the door to head to the big house or to find any of my siblings.

I made my way over to the big house and on the way passed a small group of people sitting on the steps out front. "Excuse me" I asked trying not to draw to much attention to myself, a few of them shuffled to the side to let me trough. "Hey! You're that plague kid right... Leilani!" One of them asked she was about 13 and had ginger hair and white eyes which confused me I knew a lot of the Athena kids had grey eyes but I'd never seen anyone at camp have white eyes.

"Uhh.. yeah... that's me" I replied then I looked down at her hands she was holding a rat not any rat my rat "Barry!" I yelled crouching down the girls level.

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