Poor guy just wanted to play Frizbie

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Janvis POV

I was sitting around with Leilani and the new girl Sara we were just hanging out well I was trying to find out Sara's powers.

"So at camp Jupiter did you like help in their infirmary" I asked "not really I was new to them and had to serve for my five years" her reply was sad "so you guys have no fun there" I asked

"Yeah I guess" she replied

"So why did you leave did you just miss us so much" Leilani asked teasingly "well not exactly I kinda got kicked out" she said mumbling the last few words "Kicked out ha..how" Leilani said.

"I don't wanna talk about it" Sara replied fidgeting with her necklace, I put my hand on her shoulder and could feel what was wrong...kinda I'm still not good at that.

"You sick?" I asked "what no as Heathy as a horse" she replied "you've been hanging around Lee and Nicola huh" I said and she nodded.

I thought for a second "Leilani give me your hand" I said "why" Leilani asked "because I said so"

I grabbed her hand "yup just like I thought" which peaked both their interests. "The plague is strong with this one" I joked "you've been hanging around Will to much" Leilani said taking their hand back.

We laughed for a few seconds when suddenly Sara jumped "ow..what the.." she said reaching behind her and picking up a frizzbe. I looked over to Leilani who was breathing a bit fast "you okay" I asked

"Ever since the underworld every time I get scared my powers act up or I'm just really jumpy like really jumpy" he explained "oh that should probably fix itself soon" I said.

Soon a guy came over he looked about 14 and was wearing a camp halfblood shirt but instead of the normal Pegasus it was a wave with the words cabin 3 printed on it.

"Can we have our Frizbie back" the boy asked "oh yeah sorry about that" Sara replied handing it to him. I looked back and saw Charlie and Jalen waiting i assumed for the Frizbie. As soon and the boy grabbed the Frizbie and started walking away he started coughing.

"I can never have a day off huh" I said getting up. The guy sat on the ground trying to catch his breath I walked over and started trying to help him which drew a crowd at first it was just Charlie,Jalen who were playing catch with him then Leilani and Sara came over to make sure he was okay.

I placed my hand on his shoulder "what's your name" I asked he seemed to be starting to catch his breath "Jonny" he said I let go of his shoulder to grab a water bottle from my bag and he immediately started coughing again. I quickly grabbed the water and put my hand back on his shoulder "well at least my healing powers are starting to come back" I said to no one.

I wasn't really paying much attention to what else was going on around me but when I looked up the crowd had gotten a lot bigger which would definitely not help Jonny's breathing.

People started yelling a bit so I tried to get Jonny up so I could bring him to the infirmary instead of a busy crowd. We started walking and he seemed pretty much fine as long as I was near so we walked to the infirmary.

Once we got there I told him to go find a bed well I see who's working of corse no one was so I had to run the whole infirmary. I got some stuff ready for my surprise shift and then went back to check on Jonny who was coughing and looked a lot worse then when I left him.

I thought if earlier my powers were working I could at least try and see what was wrong with him. I put my hand on his shoulder again which seemed to be the only thing helping enough to get him to be able to even speak.

Then I tried to feel what was wrong with him obviously I felt the lungs were sick but also he had a pounding headache and swollen lymph nodes seemed like the flu to me. I was about to take my hand away when I felt something bad.

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