Get lost loser

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A/N The pic at the top is an actual photo of when I build my precious radio and it still works 4 years later so if it broke irl I'd probably cry for a whole month or until I fix it.

Lincolns POV

I was sitting on the first step of the front porch and saw Harley walking towards me with Bea next to him I was kicking rocks around and one get in his way which made him fall face first j the ground. I started laughing and said as a joke "hey did by any change that fall knock ur face back to normal" and Harley did not take that well he was about to storm off when Bea chimed in "Are you going to let him talk to you like that AGAIN!" They chuckled a bit seeing we were all joking arround and Harley just turned said "No I'm not" then walked away towards his cabin. A few minutes later Nicola came over and told me to knock it off and stop annoying Harley. Later in the day we had unarmed training with the Hephaestus cabin and I got paired with Harley of corse even if I wasn't Nico was probably to busy flirting with his boyfriend to pay attention to anything.

We were practicing our punches and I hit him square in the face then said "aww you gonna go cry to Phee" then he kicked me in the balls. He then went and sat off the the side till the end of training with his arms crossed. Later that day I walked past Harley again and saw he was soldering away at some stupid invention. I snuck up behind him and scared him which made him stab the soldering iron into the circuit board and messing up everything he'd made. Without missing a beat he swung at me with a near miss. He got up and threatened "if you do one more thing I swear I'll tell Leo" "that pipsqueak I'm not scared of him" I responded. "How about your brother" Harley said pointing behind me. I turned and thankfully it was Jasper but he still looked mad "you just broke Nicola's radio" he said gesturing to the ruined circuit bored. "Well how was I supposed to know he usually keeps it out of reach of everyone why would Harley have it" it's true I didn't know I thought it was some stupid invention or something.

He grabbed the back of my shirt and pick me up well saying "well then you can go tell him yourself that his precious radio is gone". I looked back and saw Harley picking up his equipment. No fucking way I'm telling Nico I'm just going to avoid him and Jasper and Harley and Leo or anyone. I decided to hide in the infirmary supply closet at least for the rest of the day maybe my whole life. I checked the schedule on the wall and it said that Nicola or Jasper weren't working till tomorrow afternoon so it was perfect. I grabbed a book and some colouring and went and hid in the supply closet. Every so often someone would come in looking for something but didn't pay much attention to me because every other camper has his in this closet or came in here to cry so they either just reached behind me or asked me to pass them something.

I was just hanging out till I heard the doorknob rattle and the door open I was expecting someone to be grabbing something but it wasn't it was Nicola and he looked pissed "you don't have a shift right now" I said. "Jasper told me what you did" he said "I-im sorry" I replied "I told you this morning to stop harassing Harley give him a break" I sighed in relief before saying "oh that's what he told you I tought you were mad about the rad-" I caught myself before I finished that sentence but it was to late. "What about my radio" He said even angrier then before. I was ready to get yelled at or punched or both but he did something worse he just took a breath and walked away. I got up and out of the supply closet as it was no longer a safe hiding spot and as I walked trough the infirmary it was silent I hated it it felt like everyone was watching me which most were. I heard a few wishers as I walked past but the silence was so creepy it wasn't until I close the front door behind me that I heard the noises from camp.

I needed help and didn't know were to go so I went to Phee they were sitting on the porch of cabin 10 and luckily Nicola was not there. "Oh gods what now" she said as I approached "haha very funny I need your help" I said taking a seat on the top step of the porch. "You are aware I'm Nico's best friend and basically take care of Harley right?" They said "yeah but I didn't know who else to ask" I responded "ask what?" "Well what should I do normally Nicola's finds out yells them we move on but he didn't tell this time he just walked away" "wait what did you even do" I forgot to tell them that part. "You know Nico's radio that he brings everywhere and is like more in love with it then Leo" she nodded "well I kind of broke it well I'm not sure if it's broken but Harley was fixing it and I kind of scared him which made him push the soldering iron into it"

They looked at me I think trying to think of how I could even fix it "and I may have also been terrorizing Harley even after Nicola and Jasper told me to stop" I said. They took a minute before telling me I should just leave Nicola alone for a while and that I should go apologize to Harley. So I did I walked across towards cabin 9 trying to think of an at least half decent apology. I walked up the stairs nervous and knocked on the door a few moments later Charlie Beckendorf opened the door he trumped arround and asked something to someone I didn't hear what he said then he turned back to be and slammed the door in my face but not before saying "get lost".

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