Suprise its yule

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All those thoughts were racing in my head to many questions to sleep. Eventually I did fall asleep and when we all woke up in the morning the first thing we did was go to the hebe cabin and give Paolo the bandanna apparently Paolo knew it was his because of a feeling or something so we knew it wasn't a fake then he told us he'd talk to his mom and see what he could do

The next day I woke up in my own body and felt very relieved everything was back to normal well mostly. Everyone agreed to keep what Sara had told us a secret until we could understand everything because the last thing camp needs is more devine confusing messages right now.

Paolo did tell us that his mom had a few conditions which was expected basically she just wanted offerings from us which was fine by me however Paolo added that apparently his "mom" wanted us to take the hebe cabins chores for a month I wasn't really in the mood to argue so we agreed.

The next few weeks were less then pleasant learning how to control our powers again was very weird and it was a lot easier the first time because when you're younger your powers are less strong and less developed so it's a gradual thing but this time it all came at once full force not to mention all my joint pain came back at once and I had to give in and use the cane for a week.

Once a few weeks had passed and things had calmed down I asked Sara if she'd left out anything from her conversation with dad that might be important she seemed nervous by the question but for the first time in my life I was happy to say my truth powers kicked in and she kinda blurted out a lot of stuff.

"He said he was scared that because me and Leilani are here that's something is coming and the gods don't know what it means or when it's happening which is also making the sun have more solar flares which are fine they are normal but-"

I cut her off "solar flares mess with technology and I'm also guessing the whole thing is kinda messing with the planets in our solar systems balance which is not good because we you know live in that"

"Yeah pretty much" she said

"We'll definitely don't tell anyone that just yet for now it's okay And I don't really wanna bring up the plague kid thing again because kids here can get kinda mean as you know" I said

"Yeah trust me I know" Sara replied

I did have one more question for her which had been bothering me for a while
"So did you ask dad if Ares is mad at you for you know everything"

"Wow low blow and yes it did come up apparently they talked it out and it's fine" Sara said

"He didn't explain it much did he?" I asked and Sara shoke her head.

For the next few months camp was as normal as I could have been a few arguments broke out here and there and the summer kids left. We did get our bead which was a blue bead with a sun on it to represent our quest and all the shit we caused.

But that leads us to now which the day of my 18th birthday December 14th I wasn't really looking forward to it because every single year since I was 11 something had either crashed into camp or just something bad has happened so i tried to treat it like a normal day.

I got up and made my way to the big house because it was a you guessed it councillor meeting this one was mostly just to see what we were gonna do for Yule kinda a late planning session but hey whatever.

Right before the meeting started Mr.D came in holding a news paper with a big bold title that read "is this the end?"

Welcome to new your daily somehow more dramatic then my siblings

"What's that about"I asked here's a lesson don't ask questions you don't want the answers to

"You're dear old dad is throwing a fit" Mr.d said which could literally mean anything so I just started at him looking confused

"Mortals are on another panzy about solar flares they think ones gonna hit then soon they do this every few years worse one was when the year switched from 1999 to 2000 they thought the apocalypse was coming then" that was the most I've ever heard mr.D say I think ever

"Solar flares do hit the earth constantly it's normal it would have to be a really bad one for it to even like slow their wifi or something" I said And got no reply

The meeting started and was pretty boring which I was thankful for no one trying to kill me makes me pretty happy.

About mid way trough the meeting we heard a giant crash and a few screams so I ran out to check why it was and was blinded immediately when I opened the door.

My eyes adjusted after a few seconds and I saw glass everywhere it must have been a mythical glass or something because it was reflecting so much light it was painful to look at.

"What happened" I asked

"We were emptying an old shack and had to move this thing were not sure what it was" Anathea said

"Looks like a giant hourglass" I replied

"Well no shit Sherlock but we didn't know if it had any magical properties or something" Bea replied

I went back inside and told everyone what had happened a few of us went out to help clean up

We we're almost done when I heard Anathea scream "what happened everyone okay" I said looking up

"I just cut my hand on some glass should be fine" they replied but I still took them to the infirmary

Will was there so he helped them and I didn't really have much to do so I decided to stick around and bother my siblings for a bit. Around lunch Jasper asked to talk to me in the back room.

"Somethings wried" he said

"What do you mean" I asked

"All the healers are really struggling today like it's taking so much energy to heal even small wounds"

"Maybe it's just because it's winter sometime we get tired there's not as much sun" I said hoping that was the reason.

A/n short chapter but whatever I just wanted to get the opposing timeline started

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