beach day

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I remember yesterday when I was so happy for a beach day and I specifically remember thinking I'm gonna get to sleep in well I was very wrong because I forgot to consider that my siblings not only wake up with the sun which seems the be rising earlier every day but when kids are excited they can't sleep and if they aren't sleeping guess what you're not either.

so after I got woken up at five in the morning by a very excited Trevor I found something to occupy them for a while well I got everything ready. I woke up Lee and made him help me get all the stuff ready he asked me a really dumb question

"what stuff do we need to get ready just get them their bathing suits" gees I wish id thought f that sadly its not that simple we also need to bring sunscreen because half the kids at camp believe they are immune to sunburns or think that the weather barrier protects them from it somehow. also, I think Lee forgot we are still the camp medics and if something happens we have to deal with it.

Micheal soon also got woken up by the noise and when we reminded him about the change in day plans he requested to take the 12-hour day shift in the infirmary instead of coming to the beach I'm pretty sure he was just trying to stay as far away from the water as possible which was fine by me.

once 8 am hit everyone in the cabin was awake and running around it was chaotic, to say the least trying to get over to kids to all find their swimsuits and put on sunscreen and get out the door on time was a hassle normally I can handle my siblings but I guess the joy of getting to spend the whole day at the beach was like pure cocaine to them and they were, to say the least very excited.

9 am finally hit and I just sent them out the door with Lee so that I could grab the things that people forgot because there's always something I also had to get my stuff, I changed into my swimsuit and I don't know if it was the deafening silence of the cabin that made me be alone with me thoughts or whatever I ate yesterday but I started to get nervous.

nervous for a lot of reasons the biggest ones being everyone whos mad at each other is at the lake together I'm not really sure what Chiron was thinking like yeah great idea put everyone whos mad at each other in a small area where they can drown each other great plan at least we dont have swords... oh wait.

The other thing bothering me was my scars, look a lot of kids at camp have scars from wars or just existing but most of the time they aren't bright pink and right dead center in your chest I also wasn't sure how Lee and Micheal would react they'd seen my face which got enough questions but if we are comparing my face to my chest one wins big time I tried to push that thought down and grabbed my bag before leaving the cabin.

I started walking towards the lake when I heard a voice from behind me

"aren't you supposed to be using your cane" I turned to see my (not) lovely boyfriend standing a few feet away his smirk faded after a few seconds

"is it bad" I asked

"is what bad" he asked in return "My Scars!"

"Who cares people are probably too mad at you to even notice them"

"at least you're honest" I replied he was right I guess also half of camp was there when I got them so no one was gonna say anything "I don't really have a choice in that," Leo said he was right again he didn't no one does I guess my powers don't always suck.

"Can you two stop flirting and just go to the lake already" a voice called from behind us a few moments later Bea appeared

"haha very funny," I said mockingly "I know I am thank you" They replied walking towards the lake. once we got to the lake three of my younger siblings immediately ran over to me to ask for something they'd forgotten at the cabin which I had already grabbed and brought for them. I sat down where Lee had put my stuff and waited for my sunscreen to dry so I could go swimming

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