Reputation (Sara's version?)

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Leilani's POV

I don't know why I got in trouble for this shit I didn't punch anyone that was the new girl but of corse now I'm in stuck in Chirons office having to explain myself it was pretty boring until the door opened. The Michael kid slammed the door shut which was funny because it made Chiron mad.

"Is there a good meaning to this interruption" Chiron asked "Is the bubonic plague a good enough excuse" Michael said. I was trying not to laugh and I looked over to Sara who looked actually scared.

She saw I was giggling and hit my shoulder which made me let out a laugh. Chiron gave me a glare then turned back to Michael. "Mind providing us with some context for the situation" he asked "I don't really have any Janvi just told me that some kid has it" Michael replied in a normal tone as if this was a normal accuracy.

"Does this mean a lockdown" Jasper asked "no not to worry Janvi can handle the patient as long as no one else was exposed" Chiron reassured

"That's the other problem it was Jonny so everyone who was part of the fight was exposed" Michael explained I could feel Sara's uncomfortableness as I looked over to her "do you know something" I asked trying not to let anyone else hear she just shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms.

"Well we have one healer here so if anyone develops symptoms Jasper can help treat them" Chiron said again like it was nothing "I can't heal the plague!" Jasper shouted but Chiron just brushed his comment off.

"So I've been told you've been causing some trouble at camp" he said turning to Sara who looked petrified "I didn't mean to punch her..'s just she was being rude and.." she started fumbling over her words and as I looked to I saw his expression like he was learning something or reading a really good book.

"So what do you want me to do about Janvi" Michael jumped in "she'll be alright her patient should be recovering soon isn't that right Sara" Chiron replied which just confused me then I realized "Wait you think Sara gave that kid the plague" I chuckled that was impossible it took almost all my energy to even give someone a cold..well unless I'm scared or provoked or in danger but still Sara is new to camp she couldn't have giving him the plague.

I looked over to Sara hop she would also be laughing at how ridiculous the claim was but she has a weird look on her face almost like a guilty look "I didn't mean to" she said "Wait you actually gave that kid the plague that's cool"

"Leilani" Chiron said in a stern tone apparently giving an innocent kid a deadly plague isn't "Cool" and people "don't like hearing that" but people also don't like hearing shitty Jazz music all day so maybe Chiron shouldn't be so picky with what I say.

I looked back over to Sara who seemed to be on the verge of tears "I'm really sorry please don't kick me out of here" she said which made Michael laugh until Chiron gave him a glare "something to share" he asked

"Kicked out of camp please that's impossible once you're here the only way you're leaving is in a body bag" he joked I tried to hold in my laughter not wanting to get yelled at again.

Sara was still clearly distraught "why would you get kicked out" I asked "go on tell them" Chiron said

"Yeah tell us or we'll get Nico" Michael added "I got kicked out of camp Jupiter..well less kicked out more like I ran away" she said "why" I asked

"Well I kinda had a reputation for being "dangerous" because of my powers so no one wanted to hang out with me and a lot of the kids there weren't the nicest when it came to expressing their opinions so when I met you guys and heard about your camp I was so excited that I wanted to go there but I got lost along the way and was staying in Manhattan till you guys found me" Sara explained

"So you're a runaway that's it okay big news so are half the kids here try again when you have a cooler backstory like Me or something"

"Well It's more complicated then that" Sara said nervously "what did you kill someone or something" I asked

"I might have maybe blown up mars' temple" she said the room when almost completely quite the only sound was Michael and me trying to hold in our laughter "what do you mean blown up" I asked trying to use a fake cough to cover my laugh I thought maybe she meant something exploded inside or the slightly broke a doorknob I don't know camp Jupiter kids are weird

"Like Kaboom gone type blown up" she explained and I burst out laughing until I heard Chiron clears his throat angrily. "Could you two show Sara to her cabin I must attend to this Plague situation" Chiron said "what about the fight" Sara asked why would she ask that.

"That is the least of my worries at the moment" He replied then walked out the door "yeah you're biggest worry is your harbouring a wanted Olympic level criminal among your other hundred criminals" Michael said right after Chiron closed the door.

We heard Chiron let everyone in the hallway leave and waited till the coast was clear to walk back to the cabin. On the way Jasper went off to go help Janvi in the infirmary well me and Michael brought Sara back to the cabin.

We walked into the cabin and immediately upon entering got shushed I looked over to see Nico sitting on the edge of his bed "why do we need to" Michael asked then Nicola pointed to the bunk on top of his where Will was sleeping.

"He's been working himself half to death and Jasper finally got him to take a break" He explained quietly. Thankfully because of how loud the cabin usually is Will has gotten used to sleeping with noise so we could still move around and talk just a little quieter then normal just to be safe at least that's what Michael and Nicola told me apparently Will really doesn't like being woken up.

After the overly long explanation of Wills sleeping habits Michael went over to his bunk before realizing Nico's leg "what happened" he asked in a disappointed tone "I got hit by a car" Nico replied casually.

I turned to Sara who looked scared again "calm down it's not like you hit him with the car" I said which seemed to calm her down Michael however was anything but calm "A Car? What do you mean a car that's not normal"

Nico grabbed his cane and headed towards the door "run old man run" I said hoping he wouldn't hear me but if he did he ignored me and kept walking as Michael stormed after him.

"So do you already have a bed" I asked turning to Sara "uhh no I've only been in the infirmary" she replied "well when I got here it was just first come first serve so pick whatever bed you want" I told her

"Which one would you pick" she asked me I scanned the cabin there was really only two beds left so it wasn't a hard choice. I didn't know much about the kids in the cabin that weren't on the quest so I went with what I did know.

"Probably that one" I pointed to a bed in the corner of the room "the one in the darkest corner of the cabin with barley anything around it" Sara said in a questioning tone "there's stuff around it someone literally owns the top bunk and at least every morning you won't wake up with the sun in your eyes" I replied

Sara went over and put what she had on the bunk bed then sat down "so is there anything I should know about the cabin or camp" she asked

"I don't know maybe don't punch a Poseidon kid I'm still new here not sure why they made me show you the place..oh I know try not to blow anything up but if you do it's fine people do that all the time here" I said

"People blow up important things here a lot?" She asked confused "well I've only actually been at camp for like a two weeks but yeah lots of explosions and stuff"

I tried to think of anything I could tell her to make her feel more at easy with being here but Sara spoke up first "how did you get to camp"

"Oh my backstory... well one day I just crawled out from the deepest pit of Tartarus and spawned outside of camp" I replied she just stared at me "are you joking or something" "nope"

A/N Leilani I tried to make ur chapter less boring this time most stressful POV to write cause you are the embodiment of chaos and idk how you act or react to things

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