Hello? Is anyone gonna help us

16 2 34

Dec 15/16th 2013

the whole morning was awkward at camp, Apparently walking with dead people gets you a few weird looks but that was the least of my worries. as i sat down for breakfast the air was cold and tense everyone at camp knew something was going on but no one knew what. i scanned the dining pavilion and noticed Bea was still not at their table i made a mental note to go check on them after I even started to feel kinda bad about pushing them onto the lake yesterday and was worried they'd actually gotten hurt.

the tension only got worse when Chrion stood up halfway through breakfast for "announcements".

"For those unaware Luke castellan along with a few other past campers have rejoined us" a few murmeres started amunst the campers "I will see to it that when we understand the situation you will all be made aware as for now continue your days are normal" with that Chiron sat back down and we finished brakfeat before heading to the gardens to help out there.

because it was winter and the Knione kids had let snow into camp(we asked them to) the only place we could continue to grow strawberries was in some makeshift greenhouses the Demeter cabin set up. once everyone was situated i left for a few minutes to go see if i could find Bea, so i made my way to the infirmary and eventually found them thankfully they didn't look like the cold had affected them much but Kayla had told me they just kept her in the infirmary just in case.

They were awkae but hadn't noticed me yet, on their face was a look of pure anger i was scared if i got to close my brain would start to warp or id go insane so i just stayed where i was

"so what happened to your hand" i asked

they jolted to look at me "oh.. i don't want to talk about it" they replied

we both paused for a few moment

"Luke" we both said at the same time

"Please at least tell me you punched probably and didn't break anything he doesn't deserve to break anyone else" I asked

"Well if Chiron wasn't there I would've gotten a much better go at him but I only got a few hits" they replied

I stayed and chatted with them for a bit mostly to confirm that they did in fact hate Luke but I never would tell them that's why I was there, see I was worried because Bea was raised with Luke and practically considered him her brother so I just wanted to be one hundred percent sure we were all on the same team.

I went on to meet back up with my siblings and on the way ran into Thalia who still looked quite a bit angry

"Hey sparky don't blow a fuse again" I yelled over getting her attention

"Don't you have a hoard or siblings to be managing?" She asked walking over and the closer she got to me the more I could feel my right eye twitch with small sparks of lighting

"I feel like you're doing that on purpose"

"Duh, but you gotta admit it's pretty cool" she said

"Yeah dying was pretty cool too" I replied I then asked her if she knew anything about why people were coming back from the dead but she said she hadn't heard anything which was weird because why else would the hunters be at camp right now.

"Even if lady Artemis did know something I doubt she'd tell us until she was absolutely certain" Thalia explained

"Fair enough I'm just worried because over the past few months a lot of people have been having more weird dreams and it feels like even Chiron is hiding something from us" I said

"Have you tried asking your father" she suggested a slight chuckle but she was mostly serious

"He did visit about six months ago said a few things but...I've never been the favourite" I paused for a moment "I mean I may not be the favourite but flowers is like at least top 10 so maybe he owe me a favour" I said I gave Thalia a thanks then ran off to find my lunatic of a brother.

Of corse I found him in his usual spot at the top of the amphitheater and sitting across from him was Sara, between them was an array of tarot cards spilled on the ground "of corse he dragged her into this" I thought to myself

"Hey you I need a favour" I said patting flowers on the head

"Aww no hello, nice to see you, it's a nice day" he said as I stared at him blankly

"Fine what do you want" he said annoyed

"You talk to dad right?" I asked

He nodded

"Okay good I need you to ask about this whole dead people coming back thing and ask if he knows what chirons hiding and why he's protecting Luke" I said

"I can't jus- fine whatever I'll try but no promises" he said

"Thank you! See this is why you've always been my favourite" I said sitting next to him

"That's not true" he staired back at me

"Yes it is I can't lie right sara" I said looking over at her

"It's true trust me it's annoying" she replied

"I know all about your power I dealt with you for like 6 years" flowers groaned As he turned back to face his tarot cards

Apparently sara had come by to ask about a dream she'd had where dad had talked to her and when she found out flowers had dealt with that (that's literally his only power) she found him to ask for some clarification...understandably.

I didn't get much from the conversation and flowers promised to try his best to ask in his dreams that night but by the next morning still nothing and not just he didn't get to ask about my questions he had no dreams that night and no signs or any visions which was very weird considering so much is happening usually if dad was to busy flowers would at least get a sign in his dreams or maybe a crow outside the window in the morning but nothing.

And that nothing continued for days not just him but other people started talking about how their iris messages weren't working as well or were getting cut off, some people who regularly (well as regularly as a demigod could) would talk to their parents weren't getting trought and weren't getting any sings and it only got worse when the monsters started showing up.

Over the next few weeks things started getting bad, not only were tensions at camp getting bad because of Luke's presence, luckily Thalia had knocked him out pretty good and he still hadn't woken up (or at least that's what Chiron was telling us he wouldn't let anyone go see him), but once the hunters left more monsters then usually started appearing at the boarder making it nearly impossible to leave camp without risking your life.

Yule and the new year passed and the only thing that changed was the weather barrier was back up which just meant no snow but monsters were still coming and we still had no news from Olympus, I remember last time this happened it was right when the two camps were starting to discover the other existed and Olympus was on lockdown so no help whatsoever, I tried not to tell any on the younger campers thankfully most of them had gone home at the end of summer but there's always a few.

Camp tried to make thing as normal as possible, without the option to go anywhere we mostly tried to stick to our camp schedule routine and ignore the impending problem until we actually knew anything about what was going on.

Thankfully the Holliday season kept us busy for the most part but January was tough there was nothing to look forward to to keep ourselves busy besides the monsters right outside camp so most campers were just waiting it out till February hoping the idea of Valentine's Day would help camp feel happier for at least a day or two.

With it being February 13 and Valentine's Day tomorrow camp was feeling a lot less stressful, the past week we continued to ignore the increase in monster attacks and instead tried to just decorate and have fun.

A/n literally have no clue how much of this is legible cause I'm just trying to get this out 😭

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