Leo really likes taylor swift

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Unfinished drawing of the bead necklace with the dog tags ^^
Nicola's POV

I walked into the cabin and looked over to Bella's bunk wondering how I was going to tell all the kiddos when summer comes around then Lincoln spoke up "Who's bunk was it before Bella's?" He asked "Michaels and before him it was Lee's" I answered

"Maybe it's not the head councillors title that's cursed maybe it's the bunk" Linc said "yeah I hope so for my and Jaspers sake" I said then I walked over to my bunk. I couldn't sleep I turned and checked the time it was almost midnight I couldn't sleep in this cabin tonight it hurt even just being in here. So I got up and decided to go for a walk.

Technically you're not supposed to be out last curfew but if Chiron really cares that much I'll pull the dead sister card. I walked around back the cabins and as I passed the Hades cabin I heard crying not from inside but from the front porch. I walked around to the front it was Wylan "it's not your fault" Charlie said handing her a tissue "then why is everyone scared to go near me" oh I understood now, some kids at camp are really scared of the Hades kids because they think if they even say their names something bad will happen. It happens with all the big 3 kids because they are so powerful some people are scared of them.

It's especially bad for the Hades kids because people associated them with death even though that's Thanatos and not Hades but whatever. "I brought him in and then she died" Wylan was still sobbing Charlie noticed me standing there she looked at me for help "Wylan you brought Lincoln in and he lived if you actually radiated death or whatever people want to think about you then Lincoln wouldn't have made it" I said "bu- but Bel-" they tried to say

"No it's not your fault sometimes people die and it's no ones fault trust me I hate that more then you do."
I motioned to Charlie that she could go she got us and headed back to her cabin "Wylan was it you who put the tourniquet on Lincoln's leg?" I asked "yeah he was bleeding" they said "Then you're the on who saved his life, that tourniquet stoped the poison from spreading through his body. YOU stoped the poison from spreading. And then you did exactly what you should have brought him to someone who could help" I said then handed them another tissue.

The door opened it was Nico "Everything ok out here" he asked looking over to me "yeah I got this" I said so he went back inside. "You feeling a little bit better" I asked "kinda" they said looking down "what else" "nothing" they said trying to not look at me "what is it come on trust me I've heard it all you can't surprise me" you also can't lie to me but I wasn't going to tell them that

"It's jus- I heard some kids saying how hades kids are like scary and they bring death everywhere"

"Ok so what Apollo kids bring music everywhere that's a lot more annoying then death, Athena kids bring books everywhere and are know it all's, Hypnos kids sleep all the time, Aphrodite kids always talk about love, Poseidon kids smell like salt water. Want me to go on cause I can and will" I said to them the last one kinda made them laugh "they do kinda smell like salt water" they laughed and whipped a tear off their face

"Every cabin has their thing and people are judgy let me guesstimate think all the Apollo kids are happy rays on sunshine?" I asked them "well you guys do act like it sometimes" I voice said behind me I turned it was Nyx "oh gods not another hades kid" I joked "you're sitting on our porch we are gonna come bother you" I nodded it's true "so what's going on out here" Nyx asked

"Someone's having a little trouble with the whole being a hades kid thing" I looked over to Wylan "would I be sitting here making jokes with you if you were scary" "I mean pro-" Nyx started so I punched them in the arm "Shh no the time, would Charlie have sat with you if you were scary"

"No probably not" they said "some kids are just assholes and a lot of them are just scared because they were told to be can I tell you what I was trying to say before Nyx rudely interrupted me" they nodded giggling "not every Apollo kid is all happy sunshine and unicorns we have our very own scary types"

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