Welcome to camp jupiter

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A/N I don't give any flying spinning twirling fucks what Rick says Jason is alive deal with it.

Janvis POV

We were searching for a hotel I think for about two hours and I was getting really tired. We turned a corner and I saw the coolest looking hotel I grabbed Leilanis arm and ran towards the front doors. Once I got into the lobby Audrey caught up to us "why did you run in here it's not-" he got cut off by the receptionist

"Back so soon, your room is still available if you wish to stay" the receptionist said she was creepy the more I looked at her the more she looked weird like a monster. I didn't want to deal with her anymore so I ran down the hall into a huge arcade room.

It had every game imaginable sucks I didn't have any money. I think I stood there just looking at all the games for at least 30 minutes until I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around it was Audrey and Leilani they both had pen all over their arms.

"What's on your arms?" I asked they both looked down like they didn't know what it was then Audrey told Leilani something I didn't hear and she ran off. "Janvi you can't run away like that especially not in here" Audrey said concerned "okay I'm sorry" I said. He told me we had to get out and that Jasper was waiting for us but we were already so deep into the arcade I'd forgotten which way was out.

We walked for what felt like an hour then I started feeling sleepy I was already tired when we came in but with all the flashing lights and noise it just got even more. We sat in a hallway and I feel asleep pretty quick.

I had a similar dream to the one I had a few nights ago but this time I knew it was a dream because of the random other things appearing and it didn't feel real. I still freaked out when Luke started talking which made me wake up.

I looked next to me and Audrey had also fallen asleep so I shook his shoulder I read the writing on his arm "REMEMBER get out LOTAS" I remember hearing something about a Lotas bed Liana told me about it once but I don't remember what it was still I kept trying to wake him up.

Eventually he jolted awake and started hyperventilating "are you okay" I asked he looked at me "yeah bad dream" he said "what was it about" I asked knowing he'd have to tell me "Kronos I still get nightmares sometimes it's fine" he said "oh okay well I had a dream about Lu-him again but this one was just a dream no messages" I said

"WHAT!" Thats bad" he said "why is that bad" I asked "I know why Bea is in the underworld now" he said. He explained his "dream" which was a message about Bea trying to revive Kronos then he told me not to tell anyone not even our siblings. "I can keep a secret how will you" I asked "I swear on the river Styx I won't tell anyone about my dream" he said out loud "that's kinda dangerous don't you think" I said

"Only way" was his only reply then we started looking for a way out again. I was playing with the stuff I had I'm my pocket when I found a whistle I took it out and realized it was a call for Nero.

A few minutes later Nero appeared literally in front of us. I gave him head scratches then asked him to take up to Jasper. A few seconds later we appeared a few feet behind everyone in a hotel hallway. Audrey looked sick and it took him a minute to actually stand up.

We walked over to the rest of the group and saw they were on call with camp. Jasper came over and asked us what happened I was going to tell him but Audrey did first "nothing Janvi just got distracted" he Lied.

The call ended soon and after we got all our stuff we started walking to try and find a buss station to take us to LA. Jasper started talking about a camp Jupiter and apparently it was in California so we decided to go there. Everyone got onto Nero and I asked him "Nero take us to camp Jupiter" he looked confused "Nero New Rome" jasper shouted but Nero still looked confused.

"Nero go find Hazel" Audrey said which got Neros attention and soon we appeared in a city I'd never been to before.

A few people were really affected by the shadow travelling mostly the older campers probably their old age. It didn't really affect me team this one was a bigger jump so I felt a little dizzy at first but that wore off fast. I looked around "where are we" I asked a few people replied with I don't knows "Camp Jupiter" Jasper said.

I walked up the the first person I saw "hey we are kinda lost can you help us" I asked I knew if was safer to ask strangers things here because it was a camp for demigods. The girl looked at me then the rest of the group then she looked horrified. She kept looking back and forth between me and then behind me I looked back to see what she was staring at. "Oh yeah that's just Nero he won't hurt a fly" I said.

She still looked scared so I reached my hand out "hi I'm Janvi what's your name" I asked hoping to start off on a better foot. "Uhh.. Hi I'm S-Sara" she replied.

Everyone could tell Nero was freaking her out so Audrey and Leilani took him away on a "walk".

"So you said you were lost are you all new?"She asked "uh kinda we are from the other camp were on a quest" I answered "Ohh the Greek camp? Cool" she asked.

I nodded "So who's all your parents then" she asked "well Katie is an Aphrodite kid and the rest of us are Apollo kids" I answered "Really! Me too well Roman Apollo but still!" Sara said excitedly

"Oh great another one" Lincoln joked "anyway we are lost can you help us?" I asked "sure where were you guys going" she asked back I didn't know I kinda forgot why we came here.

"We were hoping to find Hazel or someone who could help us prepare for our trip" Jasper jumped in "hmm well I don't think Hazel is working today but we can probably get you a meeting with the Praetors or at least one of them." Sara said.

We walked for a long while get a few stares as we did "why are people staring at us?" I asked "you shirts some people really don't like the Greek kids" Sara answered "why don't they like us" I asked

"Uhh well Rome and Greece where never really best friends but also some people still have grudges from some stuff that happened" her answer was kind of vague but I don't think I wanted to know.

Eventually we made it to where Sara was taking us and found the Praetors I recognized one of the people standing around "Jason?" I asked Jasper. "Yeah pretty sure he's retired tho" he replied. Next to him was Frank I only knew about them from the times they've visited camp or form the stories about their quests.

They spotted us almost immediately that's why I hate the stupid orange shirts "oh gods who let the Greeks in here" Jason joked.

They both walked over to us

A/n do y'all know how scary it would be to have Jason and frank walked up to you 6"2 and 6"5 ish wtf. Anyway if this is not accurate to how camp Jupiter is I don't really care because camp Jupiter is confusing and I don't feel like learning how it works

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