Hokey pokey "Chb edition"

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Someone please get the chapter title reference

March 6/7

I'm not sure if Millie's blissfull uncaring towards strange things comes from being related to me or just from living in New York but living with her for two weeks I thought I would learn how "normal" people live (she was probably not the best person to base my sense of normalcy on) but the only thing I learnt was I was wrong.

The first night went...not so well we all learnt Leo is terrified of cats, this discovery was made at around three in the morning when we all woke up to Leo screaming and I thought some monster had broke in or something but instead I turned over to see Leo eyes wide with fear starring at a cat that was peacefully asleep on his chest.

Millie came out soon after and just brought the cat to her room and I proceeded to ask Leo how he could fight horrifying monsters on the daily but a cat is what really scares him.

Over the next two weeks both Millie and Leo took it upon themselves to "modernize me" as in teach me how to act like I wasn't raised as a child soldier and was a normal person (boring), this mostly in tailed them making me buy stuff from stores or learning how to work the tv remote, but being myself weird things tend to be drawn to me and eventually we ran into Blanche

She used to be a camper at camp but left to study photography in New York. And at one point she even introduced us to her mom (Iris) who was very nice but tried to sell us some very strongly scented oils and that gave me the reminder to tell my dad to please remind everyone about my mint allergy...Which apparently I hadn't told Leo about and then had to tell him about how right after the battle of Manhattan we were on Olympus and a nymph almost killed me by offering me a pastry made with mint that was until my father came over angrily asking if the poor nymph was trying to kill the remaining few of his kids.

After two weeks we decided it was best to head back to camp mostly because of the conversation I had one night with Leo when he asked me if I felt any better being away from camp and I told him that honestly I felt even more stressed (New York was definitely the best idea for a relaxing get away)

"At least at camp I know the schedule, I know the rules and who not to mess with, I know that even if I mess up it's probably not that bad but here in a big city like this...it's so calm..there's nothing to do i don't get how people can live like this just working and occasionally going out I can't do that" I said

"So you find monsters and near death experiences calming" Leo laughed, I nodded "oh don't worry then because I'm sure your brothers are gonna kill you when you get back" he continued which only reminded me of the fact I would have to face them soon.

The entire drive back to camp was spent trying to come up with some reason we left or where we were because I knew the second Lee senses I'm back at camp he WILL find me, Leo on the other hand just seemed happy to be away from the scary claws of Lin-Meowel Miranda the third (aka Millies cat).

When we got back to camp Leo finally remembered the new kid in his cabin he was supposed to be helping get used to camp...and I tried my best to sneak into the big house to hopefully talk to Chiron before anyone else saw me. It was just past dinner time when so I knew he should be in his office.

I walked into his office but no one was there so I tried the rec room thinking maybe a councler meeting was happening but I couldn't hear any yelling so that probably wasn't the case, when I walked in Chiron wasn't there but Ella was my heart almost skipped a beat seeing her so I tried to quietly close the door before she noticed me.

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