Frank the wannabe Apollo kid

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Maddys POV

The new girl Sara took us to the Praetors I recognized the two guys standing there "Jason?" Janvi asked Jasper. "Yeah pretty sure he's retired tho" he replied. The other guy was Frank.

They spotted us and walked over "oh gods who let the Greeks in here" Jason joked.

"So what's brings you guys all the way out here?" Frank asked "we are on a quest and needed some help" Jasper answered "all 5 of you on one quest?" He asked. I looked around and counted only 5 "Katie us technically not on the quest but we did have two others they just wandered a bit" I said "wandered?" Jason asked.

"Their hellhound was freaking people out so two from their group took it away" Sara said for us. "So how can we help you with your quest" Frank asked. "We just need a place to stay for a night or two so we can plan and maybe a way to contact camp half blood" I said. "I think we can accommodate that" Frank replied I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

We walked over to a nearby fountain and made a call the image became a little more clear and I was it was Izzy who picked up and Heja was with her. "Hey guys is Chiron around" I asked they looked at each other like they didn't know what to say "uhh he got called for a meeting" Heja said pointing at the sky "oh is everything okay" I asked

"Well we haven't really gotten any new updates since the last call but things at camp are kinda of tense" Izzy said "yeah apparently that always happens on quests" jasper said from behind me.

"What do you mean tense like more then usual?" I asked "yeah a few fights here and there some people are really picking on the Hermes, Dionysus and Apollo cabin" Izzy added.

"Because of the quest? Why are they picking on them" I asked "I'm not really sure but some people are starting to pick sides we are trying to stop it but you know how the campers can be" Izzy continued.

"But anyway how's the quest going!" Heja asked "uh well we got to camp Jupiter and are hoping to in the next few days be ready" I answered. "Okay great!" Izzy said then got cut off by some screaming outside "well we gotta go we all miss you come back soon" they both said bye then the call ended.

"I hope they are okay" I said "yeah me too" Jasper replied.

A few minutes later Frank and Jason came back "not good news" Frank asked he could probably tell from our faces "camps a little tense right now" I said "well no use stressing about that right now why don't you all try some activities keep you mind off your camp and I'll see if there somewhere you can bunk for the night?" He said.

Sara became our unofficial tour guide "first thing first you all should probably change into someone else" she said "we don't really have anything else" Lincoln said. "That's fine we have clothes" Sara explained that because like a camp half blood a lot of the kids are run always most don't have other clothes so whenever someone grows out or if they find clothes they donate them for new people.

Once we got changed Sara took us around for a tour of Camp Jupiter. Apparently we couldn't really join in on any of the activities because of their stricked schedule. Everyone always said camp Jupiter was traditional but I didn't think it was that traditional.

We were walking around when Lincoln shouted out "is your camp always this boring" he asked "not really apparently there's something going on it's been a little tense" Sara said back.

"What do you mean" I asked "underworld activity?" Jasper asked

"Yeah apparently there's been some upsurge in activity but it's under control so I'm not worried" Sara replied

Jasper explained that when something is happening in the Greek pantheon usually something similar is happening in all the other pantheons too. That's also meant that the camps told each other when things were happening and so I'm pretty sure Frank was aware of our quest already.

A few hours later after the tour we meet back up with Frank "we found you guys a place to sleep for the night" he said "great what's the catch" Jasper joked "no catch just don't wander off" he replied. We took a long walk over to New Rome and Frank helped us get settled into an apartment for the night. "I thought new rome was like a little town not a whole country" I joked

"Yeah it's pretty shocking for new people" Frank replied.

Before leaving Sara asked a question "do I just go back to normal or.."

"Uhh stay with them if you can" Frank said then left. "Sorry you got stuck on babysitting duty" I joked "oh it's fine" Sara replied.

"Why do you need to stay with us does he not trust us?" Jasper asked "not him but other people in other legions are not as fond of you" Sara answered. "Aww frank likes us" I joked "yeah and you didn't hear this from me but apparently Frank really wanted to be an Apollo kid" Sara whispered jokingly.

A few minutes later Lincoln asked the group "where are Leilani and Audrey shouldn't they have come back by now"

"They're fine probably finding somewhere for Nero to sleep" Janvi answered. "We should probably go find them huh?" Jasper asked "yeah" I replied then got up and started walking to the door.

We were walking down the street and I turned to Sara "you good to come with Nero might still be there" I asked "yeah I love dogs just surprised me at first" she replied.

I turned tot he group "we should split up" I said "that never goes well" Lincoln replied I ignored him "into groups of 3 anymore besides Sara know anything about New Rome?" I asked Jasper and Lincoln raised their hands

"Ok Jasper you take Lincoln and Katie and go look I'll go with Sara and Janvi" I turned to Sara half asking if that would be okay she nodded.

We started looking less for two people and more for a giant hellhound. Nero is a lot easier to spot in a huge city also a lot easier to hear. It was around 8pm so the streets were kind of empty most people went to sleep it felt weird.

"Do you guys have some kind of curfew or something" I asked Sara "no more like people just go to sleep earlier I guess" she replied

"Huh" Janvi added "why do you guys have a curfew" Sara asked "it's more of a suggestion but at camp most people are still up and hectic at 8pm" i replied.

"Oh well yeah maybe it's the whole traditional thing" Sara said "yeah probably just weird so calm" I said.

"Your camp sound so much more fun" Sara said "it can be" Janvi said. "Maybe you can come visit one day" I said "REALLY!" She sounded very excited "yeah probably a lot of camp Jupiter kids come visit all the time and you'd get to stay in the Apollo cabin with us" I said "I'm keeping you to that" Sara said then we went back to searching.

We searched for about an hour when I finally heard a familiar bark and Janvi took off running.

A/n Janvi gotta stop running straight into stuff like that. We are kidnapping Sara you're Greek now idgaf. Also sorry it's kinda short

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