Pretend Alex G

28 2 20

Maddys POV

So apparently a fight happened earlier today and that's normal and all except for the fact that we still had the funeral to go to and now everyone wanted to kill each other more then usual.

It was around seven pm just after dinner when Chiron made the announcement for everyone to meet in the amphitheater for Katie's funeral which caused some ruckus because not everyone had been told about katie yet so some people took the news not so well.

A few fights broke out and as expected some normal people cried hearing the news I just sat there feeling really bad that I knew what happened and didn't tell anyone. I pushed my way trough the crowd of campers to get to Chiron and asked "is it mandatory for all the campers to attend" i gestured to the group of younger kids at my cabins table they didn't even know Katie nor would they understand what was happening.

"Probably for the best they don't" he replied which was helpful I also didn't want any younger kids getting in the middle of a fight. I was about to turn away but Chiron asked one more thing "find someone to watch them" oh yeah can't really let all the little kids run around unattended but now I had to find someone who's actually willing to watch a bunch of kids and miss the funeral.

I went back to my cabins table who were just starting  to get up I walked over to Nick who was talking to Lee "so Chiron said the little ones probably shouldn't come and someone has to watch them" the two both looked at me "I'm still confused on who's the head councler now?" I added

"We are too but we'll talk about that later.." Nicola replied pausing for a second "I'll stay back with them I can't handle another funeral right now or ever" he continued them walked away "I didn't know her so I'll stay behind too also make sure he doesn't fuck up his leg more" Lee said then followed after Nicola.

A few other cabins seemed to be doing the same thing as us well the ones that actually had young kids most others were making their way to the amphitheater.

I helped Jasper and Michael get the rest of our cabin to the amphitheater and seated, we did a quick headcount minus those who weren't showing up "where's the new girl?" I asked "back at the cabin probably better she didn't show up considering what happened earlier" Jasper replied making a point to motion towards Ella who looked less then pleased with our general existence.

As the ceremony started I could hear the kids around us whispering mostly rumours about how she died I heard one kid say we probably sacrificed Katie to get back Lee and Michael which made my heart sink did people actually think we'd do that. Michael must have also heard then because I had to stop him from climbing across to them and beating them up. Thankfully it's not very hard to restrain someone the size of a small child.

Everyone went quite when Chiron asked Selina to come up and burn the shroud. Selina wasn't even trying to hold it together anymore her hair was a mess she was wearing her pyjamas which I'm pretty sure she'd been wearing for the past three days and what little makeup she had on was completely ruined by her tears which only got worse when they brought out the beautiful pink shroud.

There was no body so all we had was an empty closed casket surrounded by an garden of African sunflowers, roses and whatever people could scrounge together on short notice.

Selina burned the shroud then tried to say a speech but couldn't even form a sentence so Chiron told her to go sit down, he then called for anyone else to come say a few words and most people just exchanged weird looks among themselves.

Then he turned to face our cabin "would anyone who was with Katie in her last moments like to come say a few words?" He asked bringing all eyes on us. I looked over to Jasper hoping he'd know what to do when suddenly Janvi stood up and started making her way down to the front of the amphitheater.

Janvi looked nervous like anyone would be in her situation but started her improve speech "I didn't really know Katie that well but she was always pretty nice and even in the underworld she kept pretty calm which is more than I could say for some other people" she chuckled anxiously probably trying to lighten the mood but no one laughed.

If it was anyone else up there they would have been screamed at or had something thrown at them by now but not many people had anything against Janvi in fact I don't think anyone had anything bad to say about her but it was still tense.

Janvi was about to keep talking when someone from the croud screamed out a question "how did she die" I turned like everyone else to see who asked the question and saw Izzy standing at her seat with a horrified look of their face probably realizing everyone was now staring at her.

"Uhh well I got to walk into Elysium with her and she looked relived and not in pain anymore" Janvi continued I could hear the shake in her voice as she tried to answer the question. I looked back to see my siblings reactions when I noticed someone wasn't in their seat to no ones surprise it was Lincoln, he was already halfway down to the front of the amphitheater somehow no one had noticed.

My attention was grabbed away by a much more serious voice "She asked HOW she died" Jalen was now standing a look of anger and grief on her face "How did Katie die" she asked again tears forming in her eyes.

I looked back down and Lincoln was standing next to Janvi they were talking but no one could hear I tried to read their lips only got a few words. I turned back to Will "did you hear them" I asked "yeah he's telling her to get off the stage and he'll deal with it" he replied, Will got super hearing on top of all the other powers he got but sometimes it comes in handy.

"He can't go up there they'll kill him" I whispered back he was about to reply when Janvi spoke up again "sh-she died beca-" "you don't have to answer that" Lincoln told her "why can't she tell us?" Bea asked.

"She died because of an arrow in her heart" Janvi spat out a few kids started whispering around us "how did a fucking arrowhead there huh" Bea continued obviously insinuating somehow it was one of our faults.

"It wasn't us it had been there a long time she was dying for a long time" Janvi said she was starting to spiral and just blurting out words "Janvi stop just walk away" Lincoln said almost as if asking her. "And none of the Apollo kids noticed?" Jalen jumped back in.

"Well she was sick a lot so we probably just treated h-" Janvi tried to answer "maybe she was sick because she was dying and none of you noticed" Jalen screamed out "it's not our fault that piece of the arrow was so small we couldn't have known and even if we did the poison.." Janvi said

"Poison? Like the arrow that killed Bella?" Nyx stood up Wylan tried to make them sit back down but it was to late both Lincoln and Janvi looked mortified "yeah that arrow" Lincoln answered nervously as he motioned again for Janvi to leave which she did almost in tears.

"So it's your fault" Bea shouted which made Michael get out of his seat "none of you were there you didn't see what happened" he said

"Oh like you did" Ella spat at him "mind explaining exactly how you two are alive again?" She added trying to say that somehow the two situations were related. A few other campers joined the screaming match until Chiron shouted out making everyone go silent.

"That is enough no one is a fault for this and anyone who continues to insist such will be punished accordingly" Chiron announced "oh please you always go easy on the Apollo kids they never get in actual trouble" Ella continued "I'd appreciate if everyone could sit down until the end of the ceremony and if you wish to speak to me about concerns you can visit me in my office afterwards miss McNeill"

Ella reluctantly sat down and Chiron made a final speech before dismissing us.

A/n 😊 Y'all listen to the song when I put it it's cause it reminds me of the chapter

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