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— 08. On your side

  In the stable, Theon was kneeling next to Osha, who was in the middle of working

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  In the stable, Theon was kneeling next to Osha, who was in the middle of working. Theon took the woman by the face and looked as though he was about to kiss her when Annalys entered the stables, looking both annoyed and disgusted by the sight, "What in the seven hells are you doing to our guest, Theon?" She asked Theon, walking closer to where he was kneeling in front of Osha.

"What business is it of yours, Annalys?" Theon snapped at Annalys, turning his head to look at her.

Annalys shrugged her shoulders, pursing her lips, "None, I suppose," She responded in a sarcastic tone, "Though it would be a crying shame if something bad were to happen to the wilding girl and Robb were to find out, and somehow, it was discovered you were the one responsible...." She trailed off, causing Theon to glare at her while he still didn't let go of Osha's face.

"She needs a lesson in manners," Theon pointed out to her in an annoyed tone, "I'm going to give her one."

"Well, you don't have that right," Annalys told him in a stern tone, clenching her jaw in anger.

"And you do?" Theon asked, laughing at her humorlessly, "What, because you're princess, I have to listen to everything you say?"

"I never ever said I had the right, Theon," Annalys snapped at her, "Now leave her alone, will you? I'm sure she has a lot of work that needs to get done," She paused, turning her head to look directly at Osha, "Don't you, Osha?"

"Yes, my lady." Osha responded, yet still sounded mocking.

Annoyed, Theon finally let her go and stormed out of the stables. Annalys rolled her eyes, watching Theon leave before she turned her attention to Theon, "My apologies. From what I've learned during my stay in Winterfell, Theo Greyjoy has neither proper manners nor class."

Osha nodded, returning to her work, "I'm used to worse than him," She informed Annalys, who raised a brow, "I'm used to men who could chew that boy up and pick their teeth with his bones."

"Ah, I see," Annalys sarcastically replied.

She squatted down beside Osha. She fakely smiled at her before roughly grabbing her by the hair, yet Osha didn't seem fazed, "Now, listen here, you little wench," Annalys began to speak to her in a low, threatening tone, "You tried to kill an innocent boy. I don't like you. I never will. But I happen to dislike Theon more. I've also never been a bully and don't ever plan to be one. But how do I know you won't find a way to kill us all in our sleep one night?"

"Wouldn't really be much point in doing that now, would there?" She questioned, wincing a bit at Annalys' tight grip on her hair, "And after all, that Stark boy did let me live."

"Yes, that may be true, but--" Annalys began to say, only to be cut off as Maester Luwin entered and wandered over to Osha and Annalys.

"Annalys!" Master Luwin scolded Annalys, causing the princess to quickly let go of Osha's hair, "The lady is our guest. Let go of her this instant."

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