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- 94. Sex, Tears, and Wine

    Numerous weeks later, Annalys arrived on the shores of Dragonstone with Jon and a few Northmen

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Numerous weeks later, Annalys arrived on the shores of Dragonstone with Jon and a few Northmen. She acted as though nothing was wrong when she found them on the Kingsroad. They questioned her on why she was there while she was still injured, but she claimed to be fine, even though deep down, she wasn't. Neither mentally nor physically. Everything in her body ached and the only thing that helped her forget was the numerous cups of wine she downed on the way there at taverns and inns she had stopped at. She knew she had a problem. She was drinking more than she ever had before.

She had always drank a lot, even when she first came to Winterfell with her family eight years ago, but it was never that bad. Now, she was always drinking and was always drunk. It was her way of coping with both the physical and emotional pain, but that didn't change the fact that it was wrong.

Drinking wasn't going to solve her problems. But in reality, nothing could. She was broken and nothing was going to change that. She didn't feel like the same person she once was. Her whole life, everything she held close was taken away from her, but not at the rate it was now. There was no going back.

Annalys walked alongside Jon up to Varys at the shores of Dragonstone, where he patiently waited to speak with them, "The Northern armies?" He asked them curiously.

"Just crossed the Trident," Jon informed the man as he began to walk him and Annalys over to where Tyrion stood, "They'll be at the walls of King's Landing in two days."

"How is she?" Annalys suddenly found herself asking about Daenerys, much to Jon's shock.

"She hasn't seen anyone since we returned," Varys informed her in a calm tone, "Hasn't left her chambers, hasn't accepted any food."

Hearing the second part of Varys' statement, Annalys couldn't help but think that it was smart of Daenerys. She shouldn't accept any food from anyone. The people closest to her were beginning to see what direction she was heading in, just as Annalys secretly did. She now had to worry about someone poisoning her.

"Aren't you worried for her?" Jon asked Varys, confused look on his face.

"I'm worried for all of us," Varys admitted to her and Jon, "They say every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath."

"Trust me, I know," Annalys responded quietly, clearly thinking back to herself recalling the same thing just weeks before.

"We're not much for riddles where I'm from," Jon confessed to Varys in a calm tone.

"The three of us know what she's about to do," Varys pointed out to Annalys, who stopped walking and turned to look at him.

Jon remained silent, clearly agreeing with Varys but didn't admit that out loud. Despite all the signs Annalys had witnessed that determined Daenerys' fate, a part of her still had a bit of hope that she was wrong the entire time; That Daenerys was the strong, kind woman she first fell for. She clung to that hope, despite her knowing deep down that it was impossible for Daenerys to turn back now. There was no saving her. There was no saving someone who was already dead.

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