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— 63. Kindred Spirits

Annalys stood on the cliffs of Dragonstone, watching Daenerys' dragons fly around

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Annalys stood on the cliffs of Dragonstone, watching Daenerys' dragons fly around. She smiled slightly, admiring the creatures in the same way she admired the Starks' direwolves. It pained her to learn that all of the Direwolves were dead except Ghost. She may not have known the dragons long, but she hoped the same didn't happen to them. Such rare creatures getting hunted down, she hated to witness such a sight.

Annalys didn't even bother to turn her head as Daenerys walked up to her alone, no longer accompanied by Dothraki. If Annalys wanted to, she could have killed Daenerys right then and there. She could have stopped her mother from being killed along with the rest of their enemies, but Annalys chose not to. She would have been killed soon after doing so, but she wouldn't have cared. As long as her mother was safe.

But oddly enough, Annalys decided against it. She didn't know why. Why would she stop herself from killing an enemy at such a perfect time? It couldn't have been because she found her pretty. She found many people pretty. What did that have to do with anything? She had to be honest, though. She felt a certain way about Daenerys that was unfamiliar to her. She didn't know whether it was an attraction, a curiosity, or that she simply viewed the woman as a challenge. One thing Annalys did know was she wanted nothing more than for it to go away.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Daenerys spoke up, smiling up at her dragons alongside Annalys.

"That they are," Annalys replied, her voice just above a whisper. She let out a sigh, just before she turned to look Daenerys in the eye, "I apologize for the scene I caused earlier today. I have a tendency to be a bit blunt at times."

"A bit?" Daenerys asked, causing Annalys to smile slightly.

"I didn't mean it, I swear," Annalys assured the woman, a sincere look on her face that told Daenerys that she was telling the truth, "I've refused to bend the knee to anyone in years, I wasn't going to let myself bend the knee to a queen I know nothing about."

Daenerys remained silent, nodding her head in understanding. There was a moment of silence as the duo watched the dragons fly freely until Daenerys finally gained the courage to speak up, "Your uncle has told me you've lost all your siblings, just as I have. Is that true?" She questioned Annalys, who frowned at the randomness of her question, "I'm simply curious."

It took Annalys a moment to finally speak up. She didn't know why a woman she barely knew and the same woman she insulted numerous times was asking about her dead siblings. It was odd, to say the least, "Yes, two brothers and a sister," Annalys replied, her voice just above a whisper as she began to think about Tommen and Myrcella, only to have the sadness in her eyes immediately disappear at the thought of Joffrey, "But one of my brothers, Joffrey, was a monster. He was better off dead."

Oddly enough, Daenerys found herself smiling at Annalys' words, seeing as though she could relate, "I could say the same about my brother Viserys. He believed he could be the greatest king Westeros has ever seen, but he was truly a monster." She informed her in a calm tone.

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