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— 55. Just Like Joffrey

   When the group of four arrived at the gates of the Winterfell, Ramsay Bolton presumed that the four of them wouldn't be enough to get through the gates of Winterfell

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When the group of four arrived at the gates of the Winterfell, Ramsay Bolton presumed that the four of them wouldn't be enough to get through the gates of Winterfell.

Of course, he was proven wrong when Wun Wun busted through the door within seconds, even after being shot with numerous arrows.

Once lunging through the door, Wun Wun fell onto his knees, causing Annalys to become alarmed as she ran through the gates with Jon, Tormund, and the rest of their men.

  Wun Wun continued to be shot with arrows, but they still hadn't killed the giant, much to Annalys' relief. Wun Wun didn't say much, but he continued to prove himself loyal every time he fought to help and protect her and the rest of them. She grew to care for the giant, oddly enough.

Wun Wun roared out as even more arrows were shot through his body, yet none killed him. Annalys' men ran through the gates, beginning to attack the remainder of Ramsay's army that stayed instead of taking part in the battle.

Some of the Wildlings who arrived began to use their arrows to kill the men shooting Wun Wun with theirs. As Annalys walked up to stand next to Wun Wun, the male giant turned to look her in the eye.

  She gave him a deeply saddened look, tears welled in her eyes at the sight of his state. Tormund and Jon looked around, finding their siege to be successful. Annalys kept her eyes on Wun Wun, the giant's breath staggering as he became weaker from all the wounds the arrows shot into him caused.

Annalys began to step forward, extending her arm out to take the arrows out of him. Annalys jumped in fright, loudly gasping as one last arrow glided through the air and shot Wun Wun in the eye.

Annalys nearly cried out, placing a hand over her gaped open mouth as Wun Wun fell forward and face first onto the ground, dead. A single tear fell down Annalys' cheek as she turned to see who it was who had killed Wun Wun. Ramsay Bolton. He held a bow in his hand with a smug look on his face as he kept his eyes fixed on Annalys.

Annalys looked directly at Ramsay, hatefully glaring at the bastard. In all honesty, it truly was a Battle of the Bastards. Ramsay was the bastard on his side of the battle while Annalys and Jon were the Bastards on theirs. More so Annalys and not Jon, for reasons unbeknownst to them.

"You suggested one-on-one combat, didn't you?" Ramsay mockingly asked, glancing between Jon and Annalys before around at all of the Wildlings pointing arrows at Ramsay.

  The Bolton man knew if he didn't attempt to fight in one-on-one combat, he would be shot through with arrows by the Wildlings. He was too smart to allow himself to fight Jon, who was nowhere near affected by the emotions he was feeling at the moment. Annalys, on the other hand, was consumed with her emotions. Her hate toward Ramsay for being the reason the majority of her men were dead and also, the fact that Ramsay's father was the one who killed Robb, her husband. There was also her sadness for Wun Wun and grief for the giant's death as well. There was also anger, fury, any type of negative emotion someone could think of, there was a chance Annalys was feeling it.

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