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— 104. The End


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  Six months later, Annalys was starting to get used to being the queen of the Six Kingdoms. She learned the pros and the cons of it. She led the kingdoms very well, but it was clear in other ways, she was getting a bit reckless, in a few ways that Robert Baratheon had and in a few ways her mother had.

  Tyrion also wasn't blind and witnessed Annalys' frequent visits to Brothels. He was shocked when he first witnessed it. Annalys, of all people, visiting a brothel? That wasn't like her. It never had been. She didn't sleep with random people, especially not people who were prostitutes.

  Of course, she never had anything against prostitutes or those who paid to sleep with them, but that didn't mean Annalys would be the type to.

Annalys had only lain with two people in her life. Robb and Daenerys. She didn't just sleep with anyone. That wasn't the type of person she was.

   Annalys also continued to drink frequently and even though she showed no signs yet of becoming like Robert, Tyrion and the rest of the small council wanted nothing more than to stop her drinking before she did, in fact, become Robert.

As the sun shined through the windows of her chambers, Annalys' eyes fluttered open. She smiled slightly, finding Gendry laying beside her in bed. Many people in the castle had learned of Annalys' choices while people like Tyrion did not.

Tyrion had been so busy trying to figure out what Annalys was doing outside the castle that he never thought to figure out what she doing with her time inside the castle when she was behind closed doors.

Months had passed and Annalys found herself secretly sleeping with Gendry. She wasn't in love with him or anything, of course, but they both found comfort in sleeping with each other. It was a distraction for them both, a distracted from what they truly wanted. But in a way, they did, in fact, feel and care for each other deeply. It just wasn't love that they felt yet.

Annalys had purposely made trips to the brothel, wanting Tyrion to think she was sleeping with whores instead of having him find out what she was truly doing.

There was two things that made Annalys relations with Gendry a bad thing. One being the fact that Tyrion would never accept Annalys sleeping with a Baratheon. If Jaime or her mother had been alive, Annalys would have expected the same from them as well. After all, Cersei had been married to Gendry's real father, the same man who had been legally Annalys' father for much of her life as well. They weren't related of course, but that didn't change the fact that it was weird.

The second reason was the most important one. There was a big difference between Annalys sleeping with a whore and sleeping with Gendry.

With whores, there was never a chance of Annalys falling pregnant. With Gendry, there was, and that was a big problem, seeing as though Annalys wasn't married to him. She never had that problem before, which caused her to never think of it as an issue.

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