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— 101. Farewell

"What have you done?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke up, causing Annalys' eyes to shoot open as she turned her head to see Jon standing before her

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"What have you done?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke up, causing Annalys' eyes to shoot open as she turned her head to see Jon standing before her.

  He glanced down at Daenerys' body before looking back at Annalys, who had the tip of her blade pressed against her chest.

"It had to be done," She told Jon, continuing to cry as she prepared to kill herself.

"I know," Jon softly spoke to the girl in fear of causing her to stab herself before he had time to talk her out of it, "But you don't need to kill yourself, Annalys. You're better than that."

"How?!" Annalys practically screamed at Jon, tears rushing down her face, "Everyone I love is dead and it's because of me. Everyone in King's Landing is dead because of me. I'm the cause of it all. I can't forgive myself for that. I deserve to die. I have since the moment I betrayed my family by marrying Robb."

"You loved him. That was different," Jon argued, cautiously extending his arm out as he slowly made his way toward, "That was entirely different."

"I still betrayed my family, Jon. Loving him doesn't give me an excuse to do that," Annalys cried, shaking her head frantically, "Jaime told me that love is the death of duty and I didn't listen to him until it was too late. I knew what Daenerys was capable of. I knew all along. I tried to be like my mother. I tried to sleep with Daenerys and tried to manipulate her into doing the right thing," She explained, causing Jon to stare at her in disbelief, "But I'm no Cersei Lannister and I ended up falling in love with her. My greatest weakness got the best of me and I hadn't even realized it."

Annalys began to cry harder, looking down at Daenerys' corpse, "And I killed her. I lost my entire family and I killed the woman I loved. I have nothing." She explained, her voice just above a whisper.

If anyone else had been talking to Annalys at that moment, they would have taken her for a madwoman, but Jon knew that wasn't the case. Annalys had always been the type to have the ability to keep her feelings and emotions concealed, but at that moment, she was feeling too much. She lost everything and every time she lost something, she blamed it on herself. But there was so much that Annalys had lost that she was unable to control it.

She consumed with grief, sadness, rage, and fear all at once. She couldn't control it and it made her hysterical, not mad. She believed killing herself would fix everything in her delusion, but that wasn't the case.

Not to mention, her sobriety wasn't helping, as odd as it may sound. The wine helped her contain her emotions and cope. However, at that moment, she felt everything she had bottled up for so long.

She felt every heartbreak she ever endured. She felt every loss. Every defeat. Most of all, she felt all the guilt she carried around and it was more than anyone could ever handle.

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