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— 62. Disrespecting the Queen

    After hearing the Queen in the North's words, Daenerys continued to stare at Tyrion with an annoyed look, recalling Tyrion claiming that having Annalys as an enemy was the last thing the queen would want and the Lannister woman was the greates...

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After hearing the Queen in the North's words, Daenerys continued to stare at Tyrion with an annoyed look, recalling Tyrion claiming that having Annalys as an enemy was the last thing the queen would want and the Lannister woman was the greatest ally she could have.

She was loved by many, feared by others. She was the ruler most people wanted on the Iron Throne and if people saw her allied with Daenerys, they would most likely bend the knee to the Targaryen girl. But of course, Daenerys had been stupid enough to underestimate Tyrion when he called Annalys stubborn.

After all, the girl was the most stubborn person any one could meet. How did they expect her to bend the knee to a queen she knew nothing about? Annalys didn't bend the knee to anyone, why would she do it for Daenerys, especially if it meant she had to give up being Queen in the North.

"Did you see three dragons flying overhead when you arrived?" Daenerys suddenly spoke up, clearly believing hostility would work in forcing Annalys to bend the knee, when in reality, it did quite the opposite.

"Vividly," Annalys replied, a small mischievous smile on her face.

"And did you see the Dothraki, all of whom have sworn to kill for me?" Daenerys continued on, yet Annalys seemed anything but scared.

Annalys realized that Daenerys needed the people around her to create fear and Annalys refused to be scared of someone like that. The people around Annalys didn't fear her because she had the North at her side, they feared her because they knew she could cut through a hundred men with her sword without any of them being able to lay a hand on her. She made threats just like her mother and unlike most, she withheld her end of the threat and made sure to fall through with it. Her threats were never empty ones. If it weren't for her dragons and the people following her, Daenerys would be nothing. She would be no one.

  "They're hard to miss, Your Grace," Annalys responded, nodding her head.

"But still, I need your help?" Daenerys questioned Annalys, clearly offended by her swords.

"Not to defeat Cersei," Ser Davos spoke up, finally allowing them to get to the point of what they were there, "You could storm King's Landing tomorrow and the city would fall. Hell, we almost took it and we didn't even have dragons."

"Almost," Tyrion pointed out, finally speaking up.

"But you haven't stormed King's Landing, have you?" Annalys spoke up, looking toward Tyrion before back at Daenerys, "Why's that? The only reason I can see is you don't want to kill thousands of innocent people. It's the fastest way to win the war, but you refuse to do it. In all honesty, I admire that. Do you want to know why? It means you're better than my mother."

Daenerys remained silent, finding some comfort in that Annalys, in some type of way, was warming up to her, seeing as though she claimed to admire her.

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