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—70. All Heroes Die

    Beyond the wall, Annalys walked with the group who agreed to go and capture a wight to bring back with them to show as proof to those who didn't believe them

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    Beyond the wall, Annalys walked with the group who agreed to go and capture a wight to bring back with them to show as proof to those who didn't believe them.

  Annalys turned to look at Gendry, who seemed to beyond freezing at that moment. She quietly laughed, exchanging an amused look with Tormund while Jon was quick to ask the young man if he was alright, "You all right?" He asked Gendry, who hummed and nodded his head in response.

"Ever been North before, Gendry?" Annalys questioned him curiously, still smiling.

"Never seen snow before," He confessed, causing Annalys to quietly laugh.

She remembered the first time she saw snow. It was just after her sixth name day when Robert sent her off to Winterfell. She had been amazed by the sight and for a split second, she felt as though she never wanted to leave. She never truly shook off that feeling.

"Beautiful the first time you see it, eh?" Annalys questioned Gendry curiously.

"You could say that," Gendry replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

Annalys smiled in response, shaking her head before Tormund spoke up, "I can breathe again," He told the group with a large smile on his face, "Down south, the air smells like pig shit."

"You've never been down south," Jon reminded Tormund with a puzzled look on his face.

"I've been to Winterfell," Tormund replied, causing Annalys to turn to him with a frown.

"That's the North, though," She told Tormund, giving him a confused look, only to have him give her one that said he thought otherwise.

"How do you live up here?" Gendry complained to Jon and Tormund, "How do you keep your balls from freezing off?"

Gendry turned to see Annalys giving him an odd look, "Apologies for my words, Your Grace."

"It's quite alright," Annalys responded, quietly laughing before she waited for Jon and Tormund to respond, "Well, aren't you going to answer his question? I, for one, am dying to know the answer."

"You got to keep moving. That's the secret," Tormund informed the group in a calm tone, "Walking's good, fighting's better, fucking's best."

"Well, isn't fucking always the best in any situation?" Annalys bluntly asked, causing Jon and Gendry to give her a shocked look at her vulgar language while Tormund laughed.

She was Queen in the North, but had the mouth of a sailor. She spent too much time with Wildlings and men at Castle Black, that was for sure.

"You're right, it is," He responded, letting out a large laugh.

"There's not a living woman within a hundred miles of here," Jon spoke up, only to notice the way Annalys opened her mouth to speak, "Annalys doesn't count."

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