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—71. Frozen

    Beyond the Wall, the wind picked up and began to howl

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Beyond the Wall, the wind picked up and began to howl. The weather became like a blizzard, leading it to be harder to travel. They were close, that was for sure. One of the Wildling men who came with them led the group through the blizzard, walking several feet in front of them.

Tormund pointed toward the Wildling man leading the group, causing Annalys to turn her head to look at him. She looked ahead, seeing it wasn't the man Tormund was pointing at, but the large figure about fifty feet in front of him.

It was an animal, but Annalys didn't know what kind, "Look!" She exclaimed, pointing toward the figure.

Jon squinted his eyes, trying his hardest to look past the wind blowing snow into his face. The figure walked around, not quite making its way toward them just yet.

"A bear," The Hound informed the group in an alarmed tone.

The group stayed in place, not wanting to risk getting attacked, "Big fucker." Tormund remarked, causing Annalys to scoff.

"I've never seen a bear. I wouldn't know," Annalys confessed and Tormund gave her a look of disbelief, not understanding how she never saw one before. The bear suddenly stopped walking around. From what Annalys could see through the blizzard, it turned its head to look at them.

"Do bears have blue eyes?" Gendry asked the group, causing Annalys to sigh in defeat since she knew what that meant.

"Seven bloody hells. What did we get ourselves into?" Annalys complained to herself, only to have her eyes widen in alarm as she looked ahead to see the wight bear running toward them.

The Wildling men began to run in their direction, hoping to get away from the bear. Annalys immediately drew Lady's Wrath, leading to the rest of them drawing their swords as well. The bear disappeared for a moment as the man looked in back of him, the bear lunged at him from the side. The man screamed as the bear roared, attacking him.

Annalys wasted no time running forward, Jon yelling after her for being so willing to risk her life, "This girl has a fucking death wish, I swear," Tormund commented, groaning in annoyance.

Annalys arrived at where she found the man's spear lying on the ground, blood staining the snow around it. The rest of the group cautiously walked over to join her, each and every one of them hearing the distant roaring coming from the bear.

Annalys lifted up Lady's Wrath, tightly grasping the handle in her hands. The rest of the group did the same with their own weapons, all of them forming a circle. They patiently waited in silence, prepping themselves for what was yet to come.

Annalys seemed to be the only one not terrified at that moment. She had her fair share of near-death experiences, they no longer scared her like they used to. They became like an everyday thing for her over the years. Just then, the roaring became louder. The group jumped in fright, the large bear jumping right over them with another Wildling in his mouth.

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