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— 31. Sisters

   At Tommen's coronation, instead of standing with Loras like she was expected to since they were arranged to be married, Annalys stood in the wings, overlooking the ceremony

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At Tommen's coronation, instead of standing with Loras like she was expected to since they were arranged to be married, Annalys stood in the wings, overlooking the ceremony. The High Septon of Kings Landing was leading the coronation and Jaime stood in the back, patrolling.

Feeling eyes on her, Annalys glanced around, only to find that it was Jaime, who she was still mad at. Annalys rolled her eyes, giving the man a glare before she looked away and over at her brother, "May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength that he might bear this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Tommen of the House Baratheon First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!" The rest of the crowd cheered, but Annalys remained silent.

Tommen bowed and Annalys watched as he and Margaery exchanged a look with each other.

She watched Tommen take a seat on the Iron Throne, with Tywin beside him, which caused her to look angry. A reception line moved towards him, including Pycelle and Varys as the celebration began.

She watched as Tommen and Margaery exchanged nods and smiled each other, causing her to roll her eyes. Just then, as Annalys turned on her heel, Cersei appeared in front of her, causing the girl to sigh in defeat. She had been trying her best to ignore her mother. So much for that.

Cersei walked closer to Annalys, standing beside each other as they watched Tommen sit on his throne, "He sits on the throne as though he was born to," Cersei commented and Annalys smiled.

"Yes, but he wasn't, though, was he?" She responded and unbeknownst to Cersei, Annaly referred to the fact that he was a bastard, not the fact that he was the second born son.

"You know, since the moment you and your siblings were born, I've fought so hard to keep our family in power. When rumors were spread about the four of you not being Robert's, I fought with everything in me to make sure people didn't believe that lie." Cersei explained, causing Annalys to quietly laugh.

Cersei turned to Annalys, raising a brow at her daughter, "Don't play stupid with me, Mother. I'm not Joffrey nor am I Tommen. You can't trick me into believing that Robert was my father. Jaime is." She explained to Cersei, whose eyes widen in alarm.

Cersei glanced around, making sure no one was listening in to their conversation before she began to speak to Annalys in a hushed tone, "How?" She asked her daughter, furrowing her eyebrows, "How do you know?"

"Let's just say I've seen things growing up," Annalys vaguely responded, earning a frown from her mother, "Things that helped me piece everything together."

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