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— 13. The Great Archer

  At Harrenhal, Arya came to Tywin's side to pour him some wine when he stopped her

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At Harrenhal, Arya came to Tywin's side to pour him some wine when he stopped her. She had been posing as a boy for a long while until Tywin pointed out that she wasn't one, "Not wine, water. We'll be here for some time," He told her in a stern tone and Arya nodded before walking away, only to have Tywin speak up, "Girl, where are you from?"

"Maidenpool, my lord," Arya politely responded, turning to face him.

"And who are the Lords of Maidenpool?" Tywin questioned her curiously, "Remind me."

"House Mooton, my lord," Arya replied in a calm tone.

"And what is their sigil?" Tywin questioned and Arya became silent, not knowing the answer, "A red salmon. I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that. You're a Northerner, aren't you?" He asked and Arya stayed silent, nodding her head in confirmation, "Good. One more time, where are you from?"

"Barrowton, my lord. House Dustin," Arya informed him, even though it was a lie, "Two crossed longaxes beneath a black crown."

"And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North?" Tywin asked Arya curiously.

"They call him the Young Wolf," Arya responded calmly.

  Arya was about to walk away, only to have Tywin ask yet another question, "And what of Annalys Baratheon?"

  Arya turned to face Tywin once more, just realizing that Annalys was Tywin's granddaughter, his eldest grandchild at that, "The Great Archer. Or Great Lioness," She informed him, "Depends who you're speaking to, my lord."

"And?" Tywin asked, gesturing for her to continue talking about Robb and Annalys.

"They say Robb Stark rides into battle on the back of a giant direwolf alongside Annalys, his queen. They say Robb can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say Annalys is the best archer Westeros has ever seen and has never missed. They say neither of them can be killed." Arya explained, trying her hardest not to smile at the thought of Robb and Annalys.

Arya hated Joffrey and the rest of the Lannisters, expect for Annalys. Annalys was always sweet to her and Arya knew that Annalys was nothing like the rest of her family. She was a good person. Well, as good as a Lannister could be.

"And do you believe them?" Tywin questioned Arya, who shook her head.

  "No, my lord. Anyone can be killed," Arya paused, glancing around at all of the lords before back at Tywin, "What they say about Annalys being the greatest archer may be true, though."

Tywin remained silent, thinking deeply about Annalys. He recalled being told by his children that Annalys was skilled with weaponry, despite the fact that she was a woman. She was even said to be better than Joffrey ever was. After all, she had been trained by Jaime, who was known throughout Westeros as the greatest swordsman who ever lived.

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