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— 50. Lyanna Mormont

   South of the Wall, at a Wildlings encampment,  Annalys, Jon, Sansa, Davos, Tormund, and Wun Wun were gathered around a fire pit, meeting with Dim Dalba and the other Wildling leaders, "We said we'd fight with you, Queen Crow," Dim Dalba began t...

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   South of the Wall, at a Wildlings encampment, Annalys, Jon, Sansa, Davos, Tormund, and Wun Wun were gathered around a fire pit, meeting with Dim Dalba and the other Wildling leaders, "We said we'd fight with you, Queen Crow," Dim Dalba began to say, looking directly toward Annalys instead of Jon, "when the time comes and we meant it, but this isn't what we agreed to. These aren't White Walkers. This isn't an army of the dead. This isn't our fight."

"If it weren't for her and Jon, none of us would be here," Tormund suddenly spoke up, taking Annalys' side, "All of you would be meat in the Night King's army. And I'd be a pile of charred bones just like Mance."

"Remember Mance's camp?" Dim Dalba asked, causing Annalys to turn her head to look at him, "It stretched all the way to the horizon. And look at us now," He paused, glancing around to indicate how little amount of Wildlings were left, "Look what's left of us. And if we lose this, we're gone. Dozens of tribes, hundreds of generations. Be like we were never there at all. We'll be the last of the free folk."

"That's exactly what will happen to you lot if we lose," Annalys found herself speaking up, causing everyone to turn to look at her, even Jon, "The Boltons, the Karstarks, the Umbers, every family in the North that stands against us knows you're here. They know that more than half of you are women and children, which means if they wanted to, they could take you all down within a fortnight. After they finish with Jon and me, that's exactly what they'll end up doing. They'll come straight for you and neither of us will be here to stop it," She explained, taking a step toward the man with a determined look on her face, "I'm not stupid, I know you're right. This isn't your fight. It never has been. You shouldn't have to come to Winterfell with us to fight against men who haven't even declared war on you. Jon and I shouldn't be asking you. It's far from the deal we made," She paused and Jon immediately knew what she was doing, "But I need you with me and Jon if we're gonna beat these bastards, and we need to beat them if you have any hopes of living to see the next day."

Tormund listened to Annalys closely. He remained silent for a moment before gesturing his hand toward Jon, "The crows killed him because he spoke for the free folk when no other southerners would. He died for us. Annalys was nearly raped and murdered just for standing by us when she had the choice of doing the opposite. She came to Hardhome because she wanted to help us. She risked her lives for us, saved many of us from dying. She killed for us. And if she had to, she would die for us. If we are not willing to do the same for her and Jon, we're cowards. And if that's what we are, we deserve to be the last of the free folk." He explained and Annalys was shocked as he stuck by her.

Annalys turned her head, watching as Wun Wun stood up, "Annalys. Snow." He simply said, just before he walked awat.

Dim Dalba glanced around at the men around him. Soon enough, one of them nodded their heads, leading to Dim Dalba walking up to Jon and Annalys, holding out his hand.

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