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— 99. Queenslayer

  Annalys walked past Jon and Ser Davos, who stood just outside the Red Keep

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  Annalys walked past Jon and Ser Davos, who stood just outside the Red Keep. She began to walk through the ruins of King's Landing. Tears streaked her soot-covered cheeks, yet her expression was nearly emotionless.

Ser Davos and Jon exchanged an uneasy look with each other, just before they began to follow after her. Just like Tyrion, they were concerned as to what Annalys may do, without even hearing the confession she made to her uncle.

Annalys suddenly stopped walking when she found Grey Worm standing in front of numerous kneeling Lannister soldiers who had a single member of the Unsullied standing behind each of them. They were on the verge of being executed. Just then, every last one of them was executed, yet Annalys barely looked their way. She couldn't stop them. Why should she try? There was no use.

Annalys walked into a large space of ash where numerous Dothraki made their war cries while riding their horses. She pushed past them, Jon following close behind her.

She walked past the two separate lines of Unsullied and up the large steps that led to where Daenerys stood. She turned her head, noticing the large banner of the Targaryens hanging where the Lannister banner once hung the day before.

Drogon flew by and screeched as Annalys exchanged a look with Grey Worm, who stood in front of her before she finally reached the top of the steps alongside Jon.

As she reached the top, Daenerys walked toward her, a stoic expression on her face. For a moment, as Drogon flew behind her, his wings almost made it look as though they belonged to Daenerys, which made Annalys feel uneasy.

In the presence of her queen, Annalys no longer felt that sensation in her gut that she used to love so much. Now and always, there would be that part of her that loved the Dragon Queen, but in reality, Annalys knew her mother was right. It wasn't true love. It was infatuation. Lust.

Annalys stepped off to the side alongside Jon, allowing Daenerys to stand alone at the top of the stairs and the Dothraki and the rest of her army cheered for her.

Annalys stood helplessly as Daenerys made her announcements of victories to her armies. Drogon even roared a few times, but Annalys made no attempt to understand what Daenerys was saying.

She was definitely speaking Valyrian and Annalys had been taught the language at a young age. She could have understood it if she actually listened, but in a way, Annalys didn't want to know what the woman was saying.

At the end of her speech, the Dothraki began to cheer at the same time the Unsullied thumped their spears and Drogon roared. Something wasn't right. Annalys knew that. But she wondered if she would be able to do what needed to be done.

Feeling someone behind her, Annalys turned her head, only to watch as Tyrion walked past her and Jon, approaching Daenerys cautiously from behind. He stood to her left, taking in the scene as Daenerys turned to look at him, satisfied.

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