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—  57. The Starks Send Their Regards

 Three weeks had passed since Annalys had been named Queen in the North

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Three weeks had passed since Annalys had been named Queen in the North. Much to everyone's dismay, she announced she was taking a trip to the appoint some nearby houses to their cause and Jon couldn't do anything to stop her.

In reality, however, Annalys hadn't headed North, she headed South. To the Riverrun Lands. She vowed long enough to claim vengeance on House Frey, but she never ended up going through with it. She also wanted to save Edmure Tully once and for all.

She killed Tywin Lannister and Ramsay Bolton killed Roose, that left Walder Frey and his sons as the last people living who were responsible for Robb and Catelyn's death alive. Annalys couldn't take it anymore. They needed to die once and for all.

She arrived at Riverrun, wearing armor with a Lannister crest on it. She found it amusing. They let her in anywhere when they saw the crest. If only they knew.

Seeing her sigil, the men guarding immediately allowed her into the Twins, which was probably the worst mistake they could make. She wore armor covering her entire face and head, leaving them unable to see who she was.

Once her horse came to a stop in the courtyard of the Twins, Annalys climbed off her horse. She glanced around, searching to see who was around. Two men stood on the walls of the Twins, overlooking the gates while numerous other guards were scattered around.

Soon enough, from the corner of her eye, Annalys noticed two familiar men walking toward her. Black Walder and Lothar Frey.

"My Lord," Lothar greeted her, bowing his head slightly, "We just received the raven from the queen, telling us you would be arriving. We've sent word to the men of House Frey and they are all here," He paused, Annalys smirking slightly behind her armor.

They were so stupid. They didn't even know Cersei's signature. They simply saw the Lannister crest on the wax and believed it to be the Queen. It had actually been Annalys, unbeknownst to them.

"May I ask why she wants you to hold a meeting with the men of House Frey?" Black Walder asked curiously, trying his best to sound polite.

Annalys remained silent and shook her head. Black Walder sighed in defeat, watching as Annalys gestured toward the hall to where Walder Frey was presumably waiting with the rest of his male descendants. Annalys knew it was a risk, to be in a room filled with thirty men who wanted her dead, but she didn't care. She could handle it.

By the time dawn came around, the men of House Frey would be dead and Annalys would have saved Edmure Tully from his imprisonment. She held a strong disliking toward the man, but only after becoming Queen did she realized how messed up of her it was to leave him in the Riverlands all that time. She was his queen, technically. She had been all those years ago, which meant she still was. She may have not been able to help the Blackfish keep Riverrun, but she sure as hell could help Edmure Tully take it back, without anyone's help. She was going to reclaim Riverrun, for Edmure and for Catelyn, despite her passing.

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